Bee: Webber wants out of Philadelphia

Only if there is a QUALITY free agent who decides not to resign with his current team. The chance of landing a SUPER STAR free agent even when your under the cap is still small. THE current CBA encourages FA's to stay with their current team. So, expiring contracts are not as valuable as they were prior to the new CBA.

Being under the cap does allow you to add those high impact bench players, the quality MLE type guys who you would not normally be able to sign.
i have no idea what the free agent market is gonna look like a year from now. maybe it'll suck, and maybe every free agent simply re-signs with their current team, but if you're a team in the process of rebuilding, you always like your chances better when you have cap room to work with. it's a crap shoot. always has been...always will be...
I used to remember the days when we weren't allowed to dog our own players (like KT), but now it's ok, as long as you praise a measly 76er.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I used to remember the days when we weren't allowed to dog our own players (like KT), but now it's ok, as long as you praise a measly 76er.
Totally without basis in fact, sloter, which I'm sure you already know.

And I'm also pretty sure you were allowed a LOT of leeway in some of your digs against Webber, back in the day.

It's really a shame some of those threads don't exist any more because there were any number of threads about Webber AND about Adelman AND about Peja, truth be told, that were just as negative as anything that's been said about KT, if not worse.

Now, for the record, the comments about KT are watched to the best of our (meaning the moderators) ability. If people have a specific complaint about a specific post, they have a remedy - the "refer a post" option. When it is used, we look at the posts in question.

We cannot make fans like Kenny Thomas any more than we can make them like any other player in the uniform of the Sacramento Kings. Where was all your righteous indignation when you were part of the group doing the eternal bashing?

I don't care whether you constructively criticize or bash KT or praise him, all that I am saying is that dogging a Kings player was once look down upon by the moderators here (and even a cause of several bans for some of the more respected posters), but now the moderators seem to go at it together... great fun for all.
Even more ironic is that KT as innocent as he is was brought up in a thread that was only about Webber's selfishness, so we are discussing getting Webber back and making fun of KT?... I just don't understand it and I'm not sure I ever will.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Exaggeration and mistatement, sloter. And I'm not even going to bother to try and respond.

Have a nice evening.

EDIT: I just re-read the thread and I suspect all of this indignation is because of Brick's very descriptive comment about KT's lack of height. I guess if you look hard enough, you can find a reason to take umbrage. Only one problem - there's not a big market for used umbrage.
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I don't care whether you constructively criticize or bash KT or praise him, all that I am saying is that dogging a Kings player was once look down upon by the moderators here (and even a cause of several bans for some of the more respected posters), but now the moderators seem to go at it together... great fun for all.
Even more ironic is that KT as innocent as he is was brought up in a thread that was only about Webber's selfishness, so we are discussing getting Webber back and making fun of KT?... I just don't understand it and I'm not sure I ever will.

Hey Sloter! - if you are not a member already, you should become a member of the "K9 apologists." Our numbers have grown to like 5 or 6. We exist because we see the positives that K9 brings our team. We understand the negatives that he brings, but we believe that his positives are attributes that are sorely needed by the Kings.

Yes, many people really, really do not like K9 here and still cheer for Cwebb as if he was still a King and did not suffer from a physical disability. It is kind of ironic because this is and we are the ones cheering for a King while others tear a King down and cheer for a 76er.

But have fun with it and know that there are at least 3-4 other people in Sactown that think like you.:)

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I think you misunderstand sloter's intentions. He's not a Thomas supporter so much as he is a Webber hater; he wanted Webber gone even when he was healthy...

Besides which, he wasn't coming to Thomas' defense so much as he was speaking out over what he perceives to be a double standard (ie, cheering for Webber, who plays for Phila, while we boo Thomas, who plays for Sacramento). Except that it really isn't, because (as sloter should recall), Webber got it way worse when he came back from injury (and even before injury from a certain vocal minority) than anything Thomas has had to endure on this board, not to mention both Stojakovic and Adelman. Hell, even Miller has had it worse than Thomas around here.
Ah yes.....I see your point. My desire to increase the "K9 apologists" numbers have created a bias in my perceptions. But yet I still I believe that one glorious day our numbers will reach double digits.
The Kings at its current state is not going to be a title contender. Therefore, I like Bricklayer's strategy--taking a step back in order to move two steps forward.

Offloading KT's contract and Cwebb's contract in 2 years are great ideas because we are going to need some salary cap relieve (we all know how much the Maloofs dislike the luxury tax) to resign some rising talents such as Kevin Martin and Ron Artest.
Ah yes.....I see your point. My desire to increase the "K9 apologists" numbers have created a bias in my perceptions. But yet I still I believe that one glorious day our numbers will reach double digits.
You can count me in as an apologist as soon as K9 can consistently get double digits.
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Chris Webber is being benched in the 4th Quarter in favor of Steven Hunter and Samuel Dalembert. It may just be a flukey start by Webber, but the day KT is better has already come.
The main problem with the three main Sixer bigs as I see it is that not one of them can offer the full compliment of skills which Mo Cheeks is looking for down the stretch of games. Dalembert can guard the rim and rebound pretty well, but he picks up silly fouls, takes ill-advised shots on offense, and basically only scores when handed the ball at the rim. Hunter is a little bit more in control offensively, but not quite as good defensively, as Dalembert. CWebb can no longer defend, especially when opponents force him to guard a high pick and roll, and his rebounding has become a stationary pursuit. Couple that with the fact that he's not shooting the ball well (even by his low Philly standards of the past one and one-half seasons).

So, Cheeks generally opts to go small from what I have observed, running Korver at the PF for his shooting on offense (which he has been doing quite well this year) and his hustle on defense. With most other teams going without a traditional PF/C combo, the Sixers haven't been terribly hurt by this lineup.

The frustrating (and predictable) part of this scenario is that CWebb keeps talking about it to the media...he made mention of not being willing to accept this reduced role personally because it would signify that he was giving in to being that player. Fine. Shows (from a glass is half full perspective) that he at least has some pride left.

But now he keeps talking about it, and each time he says something else, it's a little more slanted to the complaint side of the equation, and he's not exactly tearing it up on the floor to justify staying in the game, either. I do recall that he had a pretty solid 4th quarter against the Raptors earlier this year, even making a defensive play on Bosh with the clock running down at the end of the game in a tie game...unfortunately, Bosh recovered the ball and drained a three pointer to give the Raptors the win.

It appears to me that Mo Cheeks has determined that he doesn't need more offense than AI and a cast of other mid-level NBA offensive talents to win games, so he's going without CWebb down the stretch. And considering that at this point CWebb is only playing like a mid-level offensive talent and a low-level defensive talent, it doesn't surprise me that this strategy is being taken (although it does pain me to watch). I wonder why the Sixers didn't just get CWebb off their cap last year ala Dallas and Michael Finley.

EDIT: OK, I know CWebb wouldn't have come off the cap, but at the very least his salary wouldn't have counted for tax purposes.