Are you on the Kevin Martin bandwagon yet?

Are you on the Kevin Martin bandwagon yet?

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If you aren't, you better get on board before it fills up.
I jumped this spring. If you remember we had a big discussion about it during playoffs where I was comparing him to LeBron saying that if Martin would have the same amount of time and ball in his hand as LeBron he would be comparable. And was destroyed for that. :(
hopped on last season when he started doin good :)

got my self a lifetime ticket on it after the playoffs last yr!

no way im gonna jump off now :D
What's craziest about K-Mart to me at least, is after his first year you just thought that he was someone who would just never be a contributor in this league. At the time I thought, no biggie, just a low first round pick.

Now, if he keeps up his 22 point, 4.5 rebound, 2 steal a game stats, he's an all star.
I was on his bandwagon since he tore up the Summer League his rookie season--proud to say I never got off it even when he struggled the first year.
I am happy to say I have been on since the beginning. I remember when I had to get my Martin jersey custom made his rookie season because they didn't sell them.

WTG Kevin! Keep up the good work and GO KINGS!


Hall of Famer
gotta love artest for picking up the slack


he said that was he's weakness and he has seemed to work on it :D

yeah Ron is averaging like 8 rebounds a game and as long as KT rebounds like that we will have chances to win alot of games.


Homer Fan Since 1985
VF, you cheater. :p

Edit: Hey, how is Double-K in your spot? What is going on with my poll? :eek:
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I have to be honest. I was scared about this year.

I thought Martin would become an AI clone and just start chukkin'.

I'm overly suprised and overly enthusiastic about him! Love what he's doing and the best part is that he's doing it through the offense and playing within his own game. Something we can't say for a few other people on the Kings roster.

Kmoney is awesome. Simply awesome.