Will someone record tonight's game?

I sure hope that someone is going to tape tonight's game! If only because that if the Monarchs win tonight, we could relive it later on this year at a viewing party in the near future! :)

I don't have ESPN-2 at home, so I'm hoping someone can do this!
Steven, I'm also in the same boat... Because I was at the game, I wasn't monitoring my vcr. And, of course, tonight it decided NOT to record. :(

When I came home, all exhausted from the game, I found a blank tape. If anyone has a tape to borrow, I promise to return it in perfect condition. There were things I couldn't see from my vantage point at Arco that I'd love to check out.
...Because I was at the game, I wasn't monitoring my vcr. And, of course, tonight it decided NOT to record. :(

When I came home, all exhausted from the game, I found a blank tape...[snip]

Sorry to hear about your VCR problem. Well, considering that the Monarchs lost last night, maybe your VCR somehow knew that it was going to a bad game, and "decided" not to tape.

It's funny how gadgets try to tell you something! :)