Quincy Douby Rookie Photo Shoot


Hall of Famer
He's always been a skinny little guy. And there is simply no way he can guard OGs in the NBA with neither the height nor a fraction of the strength. But call him a PG and the strength issue isn't as large. Baron will bowl him right over and Cassel will post him at will, but most PGs aren't going to punish you that badly for being scrawny. Just a question of whether he can "learn" the instincts for the postion on the other side of the ball.

I wish i could see into the future so i could say there is no way something is going to happen. I wonder how many ppl said Tyshaun and Rip were to skinny and there was NO way they could defend an OG and a SF.
Well, Tayshaun and Rip are bigger overall. Douby will get some bigger but probably not a lot. Too early to say yet how he'll do against SGs to any degree, as in when he's more experienced. In his early years he probaby won't be able to guard most SGs. Overall, I'm just gonna have to see.
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