Coach Christie told the team to let him handle the referees and they should concentrate on playing the purpose of the game. The team seems to have forgotten that directive and vigorously disputed several calls this last game (DeMar and Keon particularly). The result was an expectation.
To counter what you've said here, I gotta ask -- why doesn't the "expectation" work in both directions?
We see the KINGS opponents vigorously dispute calls and question/challenge the referees all the time. You can hardly go a single game w/o seeing someone do it. YET, how many times have you seen the refs punish the opposition to the extent the KINGS seem to get punished for it?
When have the KINGS ever benefited from a slanted or biased half or Q4, specifically in a meaningful game against a good team? I've been watching this team play since 1985 and I can't think of an instance that comes to mind. I've definitely seen the KINGS get a fortunate call or two here and there in the waning moments. But never a game like we saw last night or in the infamous GM6 in 2002. NEVER.
Circling back to the players complaining and disputing calls, that act has become just like the fouls themselves. Tolerated for some, but not for others.
When was the last time Draymond Green didn't have an instance or two of boisterously disputing an officials call, specifically when playing against the KINGS. He receives a technical here and there, but the Warriors aren't punished the rest of the game or more importantly during Q4 when it matters most. The Warriors being 4x champs doesn't matter. At one point they were 0x champs and Draymond still did the same thing and they still didn't get treated like this.
How about #77, now on that gawd awful puple and gold team down South? That dude complains all game long, every game. And has done so since entering the league. Yet his former team reached the Finals last season. They rarely if ever suffered from the treatment the KINGS got last night.
Lastly, it's not like this KINGS team is among the biggest whiners and complainers in the league. One thing I've liked about these guys the past few years is that they don't overly complain like many other teams do. They certainly have nothing on the Vlade/Webber era KINGS, who whined and cried a helluva lot more than this team does.
This team has done nothing to warrant the treatment they received last night.