This game tonight at home is a pivotal game. This team should have received a wake up call after Friday nights blowout embarrassing loss to The Warriors. The Hornets are not a great team but, this is a home court advantage that The Kings should and must win. They have had a couple of days of practice together now, which should help to reduce the horrible turnover numbers. The players should have also learned some of the newer players tendencies and worked on some plays. There is no reason for the kings to come out and not play hard. There is no reason for players to just stand around and not move. There is no reason to not close out on three balls. There is no reason to not take it to the hoop and settle for three point shots all night long. Fundamental basketball should be the order of the day. Stop playing ISO ball and matador defense. Get back to basics because if you’re not doing those little things right you’re not going to win games. Walk before you run so to speak with this new group and grow from there. Should The Kings come out and play poorly again with no sense of pride and urgency in a game like this then I feel this season will be all but over. Difficult circumstances to be sure, but, how long will they use the trade of DeAron Fox as an excuse for not playing basketball in a manner that this city and its fans are deserving of? The talent is there. There are too many difficult matchups ahead and if The Kings don’t bring it tonight then this season is likely a washout. It’s now or never fellas. If nothing else, play like you give a damn. It’s not about getting knocked down. It’s about how you rise to meet the challenge ahead. Show me something….anything. Let’s go Kings!