For all of the good his tenure has accomplished on various social justice fronts, Silver has mostly been laser-focused on growing the NBA and expanding into new markets. I think there's some resentment in the league office that a more profitable market like Seattle was stiffed for two "lesser" markets like Oklahoma City and Sacramento. The NBA has always had difficulty competing for attention with the NFL, and Seattle is a market that Silver is surely annoyed the NBA abandoned.
California, on the other hand, just has the unusual distinction of being the only state in the union with four professional basketball franchises. I'm sure the default position of many is "Well, why?" Yes, it's our country's most populous state, but with two teams in Los Angeles (this is just... stupid, by the way, and always has been) and one team in the Bay Area, it's obvious that the Kings are in the smallest market of the four and are going to be the afterthought. It helps contribute to their punching bag status that they've been a poorly-run organization for most of their existence in Sacramento.
Pluck the Clippers out of Los Angeles and either move them back to San Diego or move them to Seattle, I say. Spread the franchises around a bit better. That will never happen, of course, because $$$. Los Angeles is such a massive media market that it can support the existence of two teams, no matter how stupid it is. Sacramento will never be a favored franchise because they're an NBA backwater in a state with much bigger fish, and they're an easy target for derision as a result, and that will remain so until they change their own fortunes. A more kind whistle from the refs doesn't feel like too much to ask, but the reality is that nobody's looking to do the Kings any favors. It remains surprising that David Stern was so dead-set on the Kings remaining in Sacramento, because it wasn't strictly a business decision.