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Problem is not levine, problem is that levine even at his best, cannot equal Barnes, Monk and Huerter. So you still need to get more back. Then theres the finances. $43M/yr you need to put more. Than huerter and barnes to get levine alone. He isn't worth that. Go for mikal bridges or grant instead.
Oh yeah he can. I've brought up the advanced stats at various points, LaVine at one point was at a near Fox level of play. None of those 3 have come close that although Barnes has been up there a few times and even better in ISO but the output in terms of production was nowhere near theirs in reality. Obviously if you can get a better option you go for it, but this is why you have a list. So far 3 names have been taken off of Montes over the last year, Beal, OG, and Siakam. Time to continue working his way down. If it's a list the only guy of those 3 I would consider 13 and future draft capital is Bridges, but if that's not happening and LaVine can be had for 2 players on the outs of your roster without all those other goodies you have to consider it. Same with Grant, it sounds like picks would have be involved.
Oh yeah he can. I've brought up the advanced stats at various points, LaVine at one point was at a near Fox level of play. None of those 3 have come close that although Barnes has been up there a few times and even better in ISO but the output in terms of production was nowhere near theirs in reality. Obviously if you can get a better option you go for it, but this is why you have a list. So far 3 names have been taken off of Montes over the last year, Beal, OG, and Siakam. Time to continue working his way down. If it's a list the only guy of those 3 I would consider 13 and future draft capital is Bridges, but if that's not happening and LaVine can be had for 2 players on the outs of your roster without all those other goodies you have to consider it. Same with Grant, it sounds like picks would have be involved.
Im not saying levine isnt better than barnes or Huerter. Im saying the amount of production lost in a trade from Barnes AND Huerter AND the other 1 or 2 players you would need to make salaries work, is more than Levine by himself can provide. Ask the suns, who made a similar trade last year with bad outcomes.
If there’s any chance of Jimmy Butler leaving Miami, there needs to be communication with them. He would be fantastic for us. I’m not feeling Lavine. He’s a step in the wrong direction. I’ve always liked him, but he’s not who he was anymore and not what we need.
Im not saying levine isnt better than barnes or Huerter. Im saying the amount of production lost in a trade from Barnes AND Huerter AND the other 1 or 2 players you would need to make salaries work, is more than Levine by himself can provide. Ask the suns, who made a similar trade last year with bad outcomes.
But that productivity is based on averages. It's the same type of logic that has fans frothing over the idea of being 12 deep. It doesn't work. Look at Sasha this last season. Someone is getting crunched in the end. Having players hit the bench in crucial moments because they don't have the ability is the issue. That's what differentiates all stars from the rest. And I still don't get the Suns comp, you can't totally judge them until they fail. The Mavs last season were in the same boat, now they're in the finals. The truth is the Suns were on the downslide prior to the Durant trade and were now in the 6th seed this last season while the Kings sat home looking on. Obviously their goal is to win a championship but if they only got better they still technically moved up, the pain comes later on when those picks are gone, not now.


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Huerter and Barnes for sign and traded Miles Bridges. Gotta gamble to win big folks.
I'm already on record as saying that I want no part of Miles Bridges.

But if we go down that road, (1) why does Bridges want this move vs just re-signing with Charlotte outright and (2) why do the Hornets want HB and Huerter? Unless Bridges is getting a max deal in this scenario, those two guys will cost Charlotte more money in total. Why not just let him walk and use the cap space to fill other team needs?
You can work with the data you have in front of you and I've seen nothing to suggest that Bridges has put in the work to be deserving of a fresh start.
What do you consider putting in the work? Making insincere apologetic statements and attending anger management classes where most the people in there are just rolling their eyes and waiting until they can check that box off doesn't really mean anything in my opinion. Fact is that we really don't know when these guys have learned their lesson and changed or not.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
What do you consider putting in the work? Making insincere apologetic statements and attending anger management classes where most the people in there are just rolling their eyes and waiting until they can check that box off doesn't really mean anything in my opinion. Fact is that we really don't know when these guys have learned their lesson and changed or not.
Probably taking a year off voluntarily and spending it volunteering in women's shelters? I don't know, but the "insincere apologetic statements and attending anger management classes" are also a bare minimum no matter how silly they seem, but beyond that I would need to see a commitment to the community and pretty much that he devotes his spare time and a healthy amount of his compensation to helping battered women.
There are D-bags all across the league, whether they have been caught and charged or not. Always have been
There's not exactly a fine line between garden variety douchebags and violent domestic abusers. As an NBA franchise, you court a certain amount of peril any time you deal with the former (see: Green, Draymond), but you're crossing a particular moral rubicon when you decide that a man who beats the mother of his children is fit to wear your franchise's jersey and represent its city. Thanks, but no thanks.
I’d stop following the team if Miles Bridges is a King. I’d rather root for a last place team than a last place human.
While I'm not agreeing with you on Miles Bridges (I personally don't know his history one way or the other), I most certainly understand your position. It's hard to root for a team when you don't like the players on the roster or at least have at deep dislike for one or two of them.

That's among the reasons I have deep disdain for all the KK rumors that have persisted over the past couple of years. Not only do I not believe he's a net positive player, I don't like HIM. And if he's added to this team my enjoyment will be greatly diminished. And I don't want that to happen. So I get your reasons for not wanting Miles Bridges.

I'll even take it a big step further. While I was lobbying hard to draft #77 in the 2018 draft, and was one of those deeply perplexed, befuddled and pissed off when they didn't draft him -- I don't lament the decision the way I did years ago. In hindsight, I'm only sad they took Bagley and not JJJ, Mikal Bridges, or SGA instead.

Because I wouldn't take #77 now under any circumstance. I don't care how great of a player he supposedly is. And how he might improve this team. Because I can't stand watching that kid play. At all. He's developed into an unwatchable, unlikeable player from my POV. Not only do I not like slow, prodding ball dominant players like him -- the dude has developed into a bigger crybaby complainer than either LeFraud James or Draymond Green. He whines and cries on seemingly every single play, looks to draw fouls by flailing his limbs, falls to the floor and feigns injury more than any player that I can remember. He's the European equivalent of James Harden, the bearded hag and traveling chucker. Except even the hag didn't whine and complain half as much. #77 is the amalgamation of the worst parts of Harden, LBJ, AD, Danny Ainge, Bill Laimbeer, CP3 and Boogie Cousins.

If he was a KING, I'd have had to divorce the team. As much as I loved the Webber-Vlade-Peja-Bibby era, the one thing that irritated me about that team was all the whining and complaining they did -- especially Vlade. Well, #77 takes what they did and amplifies it by a factor of 10.

To summarize, I'd rather root for a middling team consisting of players I like versus a title contending team consisting of players I loathe.
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There are D-bags all across the league, whether they have been caught and charged or not. Always have been
Yeah, that's definitely true. I mean, we all saw that with the horrible Chance Commanche stuff last season.

But Miles Bridges has been caught and charged. Throwing out the idea that there are other domestic abusers in the NBA who simply haven't been caught, while statistically very likely, doesn't change the fact that the Kings acquiring Bridges would put Kings fans in the position of rooting for a known abuser.

I hated when the 49ers signed Lawrence Phillips. I made the choice to stop watching Niners games that season because it bothered me that much. The fact that Phillips also happened to miss the block that led to the end of Steve Young's career just made it that much worse in the end.

I'm not going to tell anyone else how to be a fan. But I wouldn't root for a Kings team with Miles Bridges on it.
Probably taking a year off voluntarily and spending it volunteering in women's shelters? I don't know, but the "insincere apologetic statements and attending anger management classes" are also a bare minimum no matter how silly they seem, but beyond that I would need to see a commitment to the community and pretty much that he devotes his spare time and a healthy amount of his compensation to helping battered women.
I get it. I just don't see a player throwing away 8mil to volunteer in women's shelters.

Yeah, that's definitely true. I mean, we all saw that with the horrible Chance Commanche stuff last season.

But Miles Bridges has been caught and charged. Throwing out the idea that there are other domestic abusers in the NBA who simply haven't been caught, while statistically very likely, doesn't change the fact that the Kings acquiring Bridges would put Kings fans in the position of rooting for a known abuser.

I hated when the 49ers signed Lawrence Phillips. I made the choice to stop watching Niners games that season because it bothered me that much. The fact that Phillips also happened to miss the block that led to the end of Steve Young's career just made it that much worse in the end.

I'm not going to tell anyone else how to be a fan. But I wouldn't root for a Kings team with Miles Bridges on it.
Didn't Ron Artest get arrested for beating his wife and preventing her from reporting the crime? I think he played for another year in Sac after that as well.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I get it. I just don't see a player throwing away 8mil to volunteer in women's shelters.
I realize that for some people in the fanbase nothing will be good enough, but you forego one year and maybe rehab in a way that you are an attractive person on the free market once again (Not only that, I have to imagine there are creative tax accounting ways for a player to make offset some of that lost income spent "volunteering"). A cynic will say it's all just PR planning and not genuine, but I do believe that people deserve second chances they just have to earn them. I am not sure I've seen anything from Bridges that makes me think he is remorseful or seeking redemption.

I walked from the Timbers because of repeated domestic assault and sexual misconduct cover ups in the organization so I might not leave the Kings over one player but I'd be bothered by it and put their decisions under a larger microscope if they did.
What do you consider putting in the work? Making insincere apologetic statements and attending anger management classes where most the people in there are just rolling their eyes and waiting until they can check that box off doesn't really mean anything in my opinion. Fact is that we really don't know when these guys have learned their lesson and changed or not.
How about admitting a wrong and showing any kind of remorse.


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Can we at least agree that he is exactly what this team needs? On the court that is.
I answered this in depth previously, but IMO he's a mild upgrade from Barnes. A better self creator, a significantly better rebounder, but an even worse defender with less length.

The Hornet I wanted forever was PJ Washington. I think the Kings need a PF that improves the team in terms of length and defense more than they need additional scoring.
I answered this in depth previously, but IMO he's a mild upgrade from Barnes. A better self creator, a significantly better rebounder, but an even worse defender with less length.

The Hornet I wanted forever was PJ Washington. I think the Kings need a PF that improves the team in terms of length and defense more than they need additional scoring.[/QUOTE Noboody is going to give you everything you desire. There is a reason for that. You just don’t send 3 and D players away.


The Game Thread Dude
Miles Bridges isn't particularly good at Threes or D (unless the D in question is Domestic Violence). He's had one good season from the perimeter but has been average at best from beyond the arc otherwise and it can probably be argued that his big numbers since becoming a starter have more to do with him being one of the few good players on a bad team than him being particularly great.

The Hornets do have a couple of guys who could actually fill our needs though in Grant Williams and Cody Martin.
While I'm not agreeing with you on Miles Bridges (I personally don't know his history one way or the other), I most certainly understand your position. It's hard to root for a team when you don't like the players on the roster or at least have at deep dislike for one or two of them.

That's among the reasons I have deep disdain for all the KK rumors that have persisted over the past couple of years. Not only do I not believe he's a net positive player, I don't like HIM. And if he's added to this team my enjoyment will be greatly diminished. And I don't want that to happen. So I get your reasons for not wanting Miles Bridges.

I'll even take it a big step further. While I was lobbying hard to draft #77 in the 2018 draft, and was one of those deeply perplexed, befuddled and pissed off when they didn't draft him -- I don't lament the decision the way I did years ago. In hindsight, I'm only sad they took Bagley and not JJJ, Mikal Bridges, or SGA instead.

Because I wouldn't take #77 now under any circumstance. I don't care how great of a player he supposedly is. And how he might improve this team. Because I can't stand watching that kid play. At all. He's developed into an unwatchable, unlikeable player from my POV. Not only do I not like slow, prodding ball dominant players like him -- the dude has developed into a bigger crybaby complainer than either LeFraud James or Draymond Green. He whines and cries on seemingly every single play, looks to draw fouls by flailing his limbs, falls to the floor and feigns injury more than any player that I can remember. He's the European equivalent of James Harden, the bearded hag and traveling chucker. Except even the hag didn't whine and complain half as much. #77 is the amalgamation of the worst parts of Harden, LBJ, AD, Danny Ainge, Bill Laimbeer, CP3 and Boogie Cousins.

If he was a KING, I'd have had to divorce the team. As much as I loved the Webber-Vlade-Peja-Bibby era, the one thing that irritated me about that team was all the whining and complaining they did -- especially Vlade. Well, #77 takes what they did and amplifies it by a factor of 10.

To summarize, I'd rather root for a middling team consisting of players I like versus a title contending team consisting of players I loathe.
I'd just like to add to this that he also does the Steph Curry special, the quick push off as the defender closes in and its never called offensive which makes defending basically a non-existent aspect of basketball


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For those that want defense Ben Simmons can probably be had. I’d do a package of Barnes and Huerter for him.
Ben Simmons who only played 15 games this season before being shut down yet again with back issues?

And even on the off chance that he gets healthy and returns to form, it means adding another non-shooter to the lineup as well as a guy who is only useful with the ball in his hands, which means taking it out of Fox and Domas' hands.