Nobody is coming to save you.

This team has very limited assets and cap space. It's unlikely that Monte will be able to pull off a trade that brings in a difference maker. My point is this team better find their big boy pants and step up to the plate otherwise they are nothing but cannon fodder. I don't know who is going to spearhead this but as far as I can tell the #1 need is for this team is to stop being sweet on the court and take this ish personally.
This team has very limited assets and cap space. It's unlikely that Monte will be able to pull off a trade that brings in a difference maker. My point is this team better find their big boy pants and step up to the plate otherwise they are nothing but cannon fodder. I don't know who is going to spearhead this but as far as I can tell the #1 need is for this team is to stop being sweet on the court and take this ish personally.
Thanks for this post. Some real solid points. Totally warranted a brand new thread that is separate from the Trade season thread, Kings news general thread, and every game thread where trades get discussed.
Counter point:
This team may be showcasing a few guys right now in prep for a move.

I think we will see different lineups that are more responsive to situational needs after the deadline.
I expect Keon Ellis and Alex Len to re-enter the rotation after the deadline. Might not seem like much, but the team plays better as a whole with them on the floor.

If this does happen, even if nobody is traded, I won't view the rotation change as a coincidence

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I expect Keon Ellis and Alex Len to re-enter the rotation after the deadline. Might not seem like much, but the team plays better as a whole with them on the floor.
Ellis has only been out of 18 games so far this season. As a two-way player he can only play in 50 games this season, so if he does not get converted to a full NBA contract he needs to miss 14 more total. Also, he can't play in a playoff game as a two-way player.
Ellis has only been out of 18 games so far this season. As a two-way player he can only play in 50 games this season, so if he does not get converted to a full NBA contract he needs to miss 14 more total. Also, he can't play in a playoff game as a two-way player.
Yeah, I'm betting that he is signed to a regular contract after the deadline
Every team’s fan base feels the exact same way other than maybe Boston, Minny, Denver and OKC (they could get swept in the playoffs and no one would care given their timeline)
Thank you... and the reality is that there are probably only 4 teams with any chance at a title this year (I would say Boston, Denver, Clippers and maybe someone else at the end). I didn't feel like we had a chance in hell at the start of the season to compete for the title, so I'm perfectly OK not panicking with a dumb trade at the deadline. At best, this team is 2 years away from real contention, and that is all dependent on Keegan probably taking two more leaps over the next two years.
What's interesting is that Kings fans and national pundits alike all measured the western conference correctly heading into this season. It was going to be healthier, deeper, and tougher than last season.

Given their modest offseason moves, many on this very site said that the Kings could end up with a worse record than last year and still be an improved postseason team because of the gauntlet they'd have to get through to make the playoffs in 2024. Would it be nice if we saw greater improvement in the standings or a more stable net rating? Of course it would. But everything is pretty much panning out exactly like most of us thought. The Kings are a good team. They're a winning team. They're performing at about last year's pace in a more brutal version of the west. But they're not in the upper echelon of the conference yet. They're a middle of the pack playoff team that remains a piece or two away from true contention.

The sky isn't falling. They need to get the job done, stay above the play-in line, reach for a second round appearance, and head into the offseason with two years of success to show for the McNair/Brown program. Hopefully Monte can be opportunistic about acquiring the pieces that may help push this team up another level, but honestly, much of the Kings' future success is going to be on the shoulders of Keegan Murray. He's already exceeding expectations, and my guess is, the league had better watch out during the '24-'25 season. If he keeps developing like a young Kawhi Leonard, Fox/Sabonis/Murray may be a very special core. We just need to be patient.
This team has very limited assets and cap space. It's unlikely that Monte will be able to pull off a trade that brings in a difference maker. My point is this team better find their big boy pants and step up to the plate otherwise they are nothing but cannon fodder. I don't know who is going to spearhead this but as far as I can tell the #1 need is for this team is to stop being sweet on the court and take this ish personally.
Nobody is coming to save you.... big boy pants... step up to the plate... cannon fodder...

Well, you know what they say: a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
This team has very limited assets and cap space. It's unlikely that Monte will be able to pull off a trade that brings in a difference maker. My point is this team better find their big boy pants and step up to the plate otherwise they are nothing but cannon fodder. I don't know who is going to spearhead this but as far as I can tell the #1 need is for this team is to stop being sweet on the court and take this ish personally.
and whom do you blame for that reality?
Well, what is the definition of a difference maker? Would i love to get Grant? Of course. But i think DFS, Royce Oneal, Alex Caruso and others could be had with the right moves without gutting this team and would be difference makers
Grant is absolutely the right move for both teams just like trading Barnes 2 years ago to Boston would have been the right move for the Kings. But sometimes bad management doesn’t look past the immediate.
We don’t need a big savior just some tools:

Add in games we shouldn’t have lost to Pacers without Haliburton and Portland after Christmas after three days off we’d be 33-14 tied for first in the conference
Can you really look at it that way? Doesn't nearly every team have some games that they should have could have won?

Evaluating the team for where they have fallen apart, is usually just as important as looking at what they are capable of in ideal scenarios
Can you really look at it that way? Doesn't nearly every team have some games that they should have could have won?

Evaluating the team for where they have fallen apart, is usually just as important as looking at what they are capable of in ideal scenarios
This is true! I think the free throw games would count though hopefully we improve on that area
Disappointed we did not make a move to better balance this roster
Def a bit of a weird spot. We weren't the right partners for Bojan/Hayward, unless flipping Huerter/HB. And everyone else traded was just back end rotation guys. Which, sure, we could use, but is that moving the needle much?

2 guys I've loved for years (PJ and Grant) got flipped for each other with the Mavs selling incredibly low on Grant as a talent. Who I really don't think is actually better at all than PJ and it cost them a FRP to do it. Horrid management imo.

Some choices have to be made this summer on Huerter/HB/Monk (who is very likely looking at that 18mil/season extension), whom tie us up around 50 mil of our payroll. Those are the three dudes where moving them actually shakes this team up in a meaningful way. And doesn't look like there was a ton out there available for those guys.