I have been waiting all season to see this! Mike Brown moans and bitches about his team's defense, how short they are, the lack of intensity, and he has Kessler Edwards glued to the bench for all but five of forty-six games.
The only thing that makes sense is Monte is taking the first half or so of this year to either showcase or evaluate our pieces, and that a decision to keep Kessler long term has already been made. Let's just make sure we get into the playoffs. For us, to be honest, the seed doesn't really matter, because we were never going to be a top two seed. anywhere from 3-7 is roughly the same because you'll still probably have to beat the best team in the West to advance. So I think Monte thinks we could actually afford to showcase/evaluate. A fan's timeline is one year. Monte's timeline is more like 5-7 years.