Mike Brown first unanimous coach of the year

As it should have been. He has been phenomenal. Changed the culture in one off season. Holds his guys accountable. Deflects praise. I guarantee he will give all the credit to his staff and the players. We are lucky to have him and I pray this is the beginning of a Pop like tenure in Sacramento. Congratulations Mike!
Coach Brown was my choice of the field but I never imagined he would change the culture in one season. His coaching style is the perfect blend of big love, truth, accountability and strategy. Far exceeded my expectations in every way!


Hall of Famer
I'm so fat and gassy from all the crow I've eaten all year...

...I wasn't even against the Brown hire, but he's so good that I'm someone ashamed for not being super excited when he was named HC! The dude is ELITE.

Well deserved!!!! Go Kings, go Mike!!!
This is a published comment on the playoff series against the Warriors, but speaks to Coach Brown's amazing acumen as a coach:

"They don’t jolt the tempo to escape the confines of half-court sets. They jolt the tempo because they know they might create an advantage, can seamlessly preserve the advantage and flow into a half-court set if the first look is mitigated. An organized defense doesn’t exist as such for long against this team. Every King moves and aligns themselves in harmony with one another. It’s simultaneously choreographed and free-flowing basketball."

I could see the beginnings of this in pre-season and the team has steadily, progressively increased its cohesion and its ability to throw off the defense since then.
