DeMarcus Cousins Watch


Hall of Famer
Whatever happened he has no one to blame but himself.

Only losers looked back and blame the past. Sacramento was not an ideal team for any rookies but he and his antics have NO PLACE in basketball. I hope he never wins any trophy, which doesn't really seem like he would at this point anyway. Riding along the winners' coattail can only go so far.
Yup, it’s absolutely Demarcus’ fault they followed him with cornerstone building-block studs like Jimmer, Tomas Robinson, McBen, Stauskas, Willie, and PapaG.

Hit even one of those picks and we’re a low-playoff team and DeMarcus is a firey winner and not what the Grant Napear propaganda hivemind painted him as.
Yup, it’s absolutely Demarcus’ fault they followed him with cornerstone building-block studs like Jimmer, Tomas Robinson, McBen, Stauskas, Willie, and PapaG.

Hit even one of those picks and we’re a low-playoff team and DeMarcus is a firey winner and not what the Grant Napear propaganda hivemind painted him as.
Kings started acquiring a ton of “good guys” after Boogie. Went from one of the meaner teams in the league to the softest team over night.
Yup, it’s absolutely Demarcus’ fault they followed him with cornerstone building-block studs like Jimmer, Tomas Robinson, McBen, Stauskas, Willie, and PapaG.

Hit even one of those picks and we’re a low-playoff team and DeMarcus is a firey winner and not what the Grant Napear propaganda hivemind painted him as.
Let's face it. Even if we paired him with Dame Lillard, we'd be at best a 1st round team being dragged down by his "fiery competitiveness".

Guy is a thug and watching him riding on the coattail of all these championship teams all these years had not proved to me that he learned at all to channel that fiery competitiveness into just the game.

He's just never gonna be someone you can rely on. These kinds of cancerous players and their negative impact had, and will always be over any positivity they could bring.

It's just a game, I don't know how he could always find things he gets annoyed with and it's always others' fault for bringing him down. It's Grant Napear's fault. It's George Karl's fault. It's Sean Elliot's fault. It's Chris Paul's fault. It's Meyers Leonard's fault. It's Sacramento's sorry ass franchise's fault. And those are just the beef I remembered from memory.

Learn to take some blame and calm the f down!
Whatever you think of Boogie, he was a top 5 pick, 4x all star (on mediocre Kings teams too), 2x second team all NBA, and has stuck around more than 10 years despite bad injuries and his personality. He made his own way into the league, it’s not like he was a walk-on undrafted project the Kings stumbled upon and helped flourish. Karl acting like Boogie needs to be grateful to the Kings (or Karl specifically) for what he has is pretty disrespectful
Whatever you think of Boogie, he was a top 5 pick, 4x all star (on mediocre Kings teams too), 2x second team all NBA, and has stuck around more than 10 years despite bad injuries and his personality. He made his own way into the league, it’s not like he was a walk-on undrafted project the Kings stumbled upon and helped flourish. Karl acting like Boogie needs to be grateful to the Kings (or Karl specifically) for what he has is pretty disrespectful
This is essentially how I feel. He is still such a talented player, if he could calm down a little he could really help these teams instead of being a ticking timebomb backup C every team loves to bring on but never find reliable enough to give a serious role.
Whatever you think of Boogie, he was a top 5 pick, 4x all star (on mediocre Kings teams too), 2x second team all NBA, and has stuck around more than 10 years despite bad injuries and his personality. He made his own way into the league, it’s not like he was a walk-on undrafted project the Kings stumbled upon and helped flourish. Karl acting like Boogie needs to be grateful to the Kings (or Karl specifically) for what he has is pretty disrespectful
It’s pretty disrespectful what Cousins is saying about the Kings. Ok, if we didn’t pick him then another team would have done and another team would have paid him, but he still should be thankful for the opportunity and support he got during his time with the team. Instead, he talks shiz about the team. I’d say that’s disrespectful and his number shouldn’t be retired.
Kings started acquiring a ton of “good guys” after Boogie. Went from one of the meaner teams in the league to the softest team over night.
Cousins was one of the softest players in the NBA, he just had a mean look to him but when he came up against other "tough guys' Z-Bo and Petkovic (routinely bullied him), Bogut he would back down like no other and ,loss his mind. Cousins is and was softer than nearly any King in recent times, hitting guys with cheap shots like Mike Dunleavy from behind confirmed he was a coward as well.

Cousins is way softer than KAT and has zero impulse control combined with very low basketball IQ, skills wise what he could do with his size was exceptional but he lacked every other aspect.
Cousins is a child not a man and yes a coward. A real man does not create constant emotional high drama sabotaging not only himself but his team. Dude been problem child forever, all that way back to high school days in Mobile, AL. He never grew up!! What an idiot and there's no other way to describe such endless bad behavior on the basketball court. Otherwise a pretty cool dude - off the court. Met him one time Christmas season handing out gifts to kids, appearance at Walmart Supercenter in West Sac. Jovial for the occasion in red Santa stocking hat. I always was hoping against all hope could be jovial playing basketball instead of scowling constantly on the court. But unfortunately one inexplicable insane blowup after another. Cultivating a silly persona bad boy brand, in the end loser image his reward. No jersey retirement, earned too much well deserved disrespect during long NBA career. How sad but did it all to himself. Simply could not handle pressure. Now a star players checkered career about to be terminated. Good bye Boogie. Thanks for many good memories but far too many bad ones.
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Cousins was one of the softest players in the NBA, he just had a mean look to him but when he came up against other "tough guys' Z-Bo and Petkovic (routinely bullied him), Bogut he would back down like no other and ,loss his mind. Cousins is and was softer than nearly any King in recent times, hitting guys with cheap shots like Mike Dunleavy from behind confirmed he was a coward as well.

Cousins is way softer than KAT and has zero impulse control combined with very low basketball IQ, skills wise what he could do with his size was exceptional but he lacked every other aspect.
I don’t think he was soft, but do think he didn’t diversify his approach enough. Against true tough, but bigger dudes like Adams and later Embid (younger version), he always tried to bully them rather than to out skill them. Where it seemed like he cared more about being tough than playing the right way to win the game.
What is this dude on about? Best player ever? Bro.

He couldnt stay out of his own way, amazing old school talent but he will never out run his personality.

Wish him the best but Nugs down 2-0 going nowhere. (probably)
Whatever you think of Boogie, he was a top 5 pick, 4x all star (on mediocre Kings teams too), 2x second team all NBA, and has stuck around more than 10 years despite bad injuries and his personality. He made his own way into the league, it’s not like he was a walk-on undrafted project the Kings stumbled upon and helped flourish. Karl acting like Boogie needs to be grateful to the Kings (or Karl specifically) for what he has is pretty disrespectful
The Kings maxed a non-shooting, ball dominant PG, who still hasn’t won any NBA accolades nor win at all in the NBA. Even the easy ones like second team all rookie. So they should’ve certainly maxed Boogie, given his accolades. The biggest knock on Boogie was he didn’t appreciate the win-loss differential enough where games are often decided within a few possessions. So gifting points to the other team was selfish and whatever people’s views were, that was and is a no no, especially so if it’s from your franchise player.
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He was a very talented player who has since lost (at least) a step.

He was a constant headache for us and is still a headache for teams. Take yesterday will Will Barton as an example.

He will never mature or take responsibility.

He is a constant distraction and I'm glad he is no longer a distraction here.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Also, some of the comments on this page remind me of why I'm happy to be out of the "rooting for teams" business: I never again want to take sports so seriously or be so invested in the success or failure of a sports team that I can make comments like that about a player, and feel like I'm on the side of right.

At least I own the fact that I'm an irrational, low-bottom hater, when it comes to Karl Towns. Some of you dopes appear to legit feel justified in how you feel about Cousins. Righteous, even.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Wilcox too.

Seriously, most of the people responsible for all but the last two are gone except Vivek and Matina and who knows WTF Dumars has to do with any of it.

I'm a bit tired of harping on the 16! years bit when we've had 18 months of new leadership. How about we give him 3 years before judging too harshly. That's a normal GM timeline for a rebuild. I'd say because he was stuck with Walton for 2 years even extending him 4 years grace would be pretty wise. But people are going to pitchfork.
Wilcox too.

Seriously, most of the people responsible for all but the last two are gone except Vivek and Matina and who knows WTF Dumars has to do with any of it.

I'm a bit tired of harping on the 16! years bit when we've had 18 months of new leadership. How about we give him 3 years before judging too harshly. That's a normal GM timeline for a rebuild. I'd say because he was stuck with Walton for 2 years even extending him 4 years grace would be pretty wise. But people are going to pitchfork.
Yeah, it irritates the heck out of me when fans are willing to put random heads on the chopping block with no regard whatsoever of their tenure with the organization.

"Things aren't going well. Let me randomly launch darts at the dartboard, and the person whose picture the dart lands on is the one who I am just going to throw on the chopping block."

It's almost the same when it comes to trades and some fans' ideas of a "fair trade".

"Let me pick a player that I want to see on the Kings. OK, I got my player. Now, let me throw the names of everyone on the Kings up on a dartboard. Now that I have done that, let me start launching darts to determine which players I am going to throw into a trade proposal for the player I want to see on the Kings. Great, now that I have my trade, let me post it on some random forum so people can dissect the heck out of it, and probably even laugh at my face."

I don't get it. I don't think I ever will get it.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I'm a bit tired of harping on the 16! years bit when we've had 18 months of new leadership. How about we give him 3 years before judging too harshly. That's a normal GM timeline for a rebuild. I'd say because he was stuck with Walton for 2 years even extending him 4 years grace would be pretty wise. But people are going to pitchfork.
The wildest thing about the "pitchforking" is, it's not as if the Kings have a legacy of success, based upon which Kings Fans have any business expecting any player/coach/executive/combination thereof to spin hay into gold, anyway.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
The wildest thing about the "pitchforking" is, it's not as if the Kings have a legacy of success, based upon which Kings Fans have any business expecting any player/coach/executive/combination thereof to spin hay into gold, anyway.
The wild part for me is the pushing for the hasty type of actions that turn out to be franchise crippling mistakes out of the new guys.

I mean sure, I wish Monte could have turned the team around overnight, but I really appreciate that he hasn't already struck out? That we don't have picks tied down until 2027 and beyond or 4 players we need to stretch yesterday. I'm guilty of wearing purple tinted glasses but when the biggest mistakes are trading for the wrong throw ins and not re-signing Bogi to a horrid contract, I think I can wait a bit for something really terrible to happen.
The wild part for me is the pushing for the hasty type of actions that turn out to be franchise crippling mistakes out of the new guys.

I mean sure, I wish Monte could have turned the team around overnight, but I really appreciate that he hasn't already struck out? That we don't have picks tied down until 2027 and beyond or 4 players we need to stretch yesterday. I'm guilty of wearing purple tinted glasses but when the biggest mistakes are trading for the wrong throw ins and not re-signing Bogi to a horrid contract, I think I can wait a bit for something really terrible to happen.
The wilder part for me is that there are those who believe that we should be taking extremely high risks that have the potential to be "franchise crippling mistakes" just so they can turn back around and point fingers at those who took the extremely high risks.

Like....What? You wanted us to take these risks, and now you're just fine with pointing fingers at others for doing just that? Makes ZERO sense to me.

You want this franchise to take "extremely high risks"? I am going to put as much blame on you as I am on the next guy when these risks all go up in flames, and we're all back here having the same conversation all over again.
Jerry Reynolds nailed it again on the Deuce and Mo podcast. Best ever? No. Maybe he could have been and may have had the most pure talent but it's like when people compare in the moment best players to ones that did it and had that downside. At one point D Wade was better or going to be better than MJ. Still a question? Nah.



So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
The wilder part for me is that there are those who believe that we should be taking extremely high risks that have the potential to be "franchise crippling mistakes" just so they can turn back around and point fingers at those who took the extremely high risks.

Like....What? You wanted us to take these risks, and now you're just fine with pointing fingers at others for doing just that? Makes ZERO sense to me.

You want this franchise to take "extremely high risks"? I am going to put as much blame on you as I am on the next guy when these risks all go up in flames, and we're all back here having the same conversation all over again.
Some people like to always be right. They can be right in suggesting horrible targets and moves to make and then immediately turn on them a month later and be right when everyone gets fired.

And you will know who these people are the longer you spend here.

I'd rather be optimistic and wrong.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Jerry Reynolds nailed it again on the Deuce and Mo podcast. Best ever? No. Maybe he could have been and may have had the most pure talent but it's like when people compare in the moment best players to ones that did it and had that downside. At one point D Wade was better or going to be better than MJ. Still a question? Nah.

In terms of players we drafted he's in the top 5 and maybe top 2 (though Fox should eclipse him if this team turns around).

When you look at players we had play here, you got Richmond and Webber by a mile. I'd rate Bibby and Peja higher. And well that guy he hates so much, who was a winner on the court. There are some other guys who could be in the conversation but we can stop there.

And if you include all of franchise history, well ell-oh-ELL.

And I loved Cuz. but damn man.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I think even Cousins fans can agree that him calling himself the greatest King ever is some straight nonsense. But, as far as the Sacramento era, he's Top 10 and, in terms of the players drafted by the team, he's Top 3, and he ain't three: I'll give the devil his due, even though I hate him, and acknowledge Stojakovic as the greatest player ever drafted by the Sacramento Kings.
I don’t think he was soft, but do think he didn’t diversify his approach enough. Against true tough, but bigger dudes like Adams and later Embid (younger version), he always tried to bully them rather than to out skill them. Where it seemed like he cared more about being tough than playing the right way to win the game.
He would routinely give up half way through a game than come in the final 2 minutes when the game was over and try his hardest to put up empty stats that is the definition of soft, the amount of times he gave up career nights to scrub C's (shocking pick and roll D) and gave up just show how soft he is. Cousins is literally the opposite of tough
Also, some of the comments on this page remind me of why I'm happy to be out of the "rooting for teams" business: I never again want to take sports so seriously or be so invested in the success or failure of a sports team that I can make comments like that about a player, and feel like I'm on the side of right.

At least I own the fact that I'm an irrational, low-bottom hater, when it comes to Karl Towns. Some of you dopes appear to legit feel justified in how you feel about Cousins. Righteous, even.
I don't even live anywhere near Sacramento. I just can identify a loser when I spot one. I don't know the man so I can't speak about him as a person outside of basketball, everything I gathered from his on-court antics.

I don't know if "righteousness" had anything to do with it. Sacramento Kings had been one of the worst NBA teams in the league for over a decade and it's one of the worst places any rookies could have for their NBA introduction. But after that, top talents no doubt, it's the fact that he never learned how to deal with the world on a human level that's been stopping him from success.

The intention is always golden, the obstacle is you.