And I like that Walton stands firm. He's not interesting in placating his players for the sake of the team. My sense is if Buddy continues with his "improvisation" he's going to improvise himself from playing in the 4th quarter altogether. What happens if we see more of these mindless Buddy moments and Walton continues to take him out?
Yes. It’s already been two games where he’s pulled buddy when the brain farts take over (last night and I believe a home game last week). He’s not wasting time making his point which I like. At the end of the day, if he’s consistent I will respect that and I would assume this is the standard for every player on the team. If after the 10th time getting pulled buddy gets an attitude about it then we have a different problem from Walton.
After the disastrous start to the season, my expectations for the year have been completely reset. If we are going to take the long view with Walton, then need for him to firmly establish this year what it means to play “kings basketball”. It’s frustrating to feel like we are partly starting over again, but we generally only now see small market teams succeed with an established coach and system that transcend the players that cycle though over the years (spurs, Jazz, blazers, etc ) That is obviously Vlade’s vision, and would have been nice if Joeger was the guy, but at a minimum I’d love to come out of this year feeing Walton has put his stamp on the organization.