Thanks for the clarification(s).
I don't see more than a couple of posters here who think Bogi should be the primary ball handler. It may seem like there's more of them, but that's because some of the posters here keep posting the same opinion(s) over and over. If you don't filter out the repeaters, you can get caught up in their game of trying to look like they represent a larger share of fans. So I happen to think that most of the posters here think Bogi is a good ball handler and facilitator. And I agree with them. But I agree with you that he also has some flaws in that area - namely not making decisions fast enough. So I see a limit to his facilitator abilities. He really should be a SG. But with Buddy emerging as one of our best players, I think Bogi's wingspan needs to be tested this year to see if he can play some SF without being a liability. PLaying on the same team as Buddy, Bogi's best case scenario IMO is to become our version of Manu. Yes, a bit less athletic, but still capable in all the same ways as Manu was for the Spurs and their championship runs.