New Era Prediction Game 2017-18: Game Over!! See You in a New Thread Next Season

Kings 112
Not Kings 107

Surprise!!! :p
As pleasant as surprises get!

I know they DO say "let bygones be bygones", but Perhaps some more of our long bygones will take your example, @VF21, and join back in before the end of the season. KFs who predicted this season like: @King Baller, @SLAB, @km23, @KingsFanSince85, @OffTheWallJamal, @206Fan, @Tomcat, @Tetsujin, @Spike, @lwc, @alonshin

But even before that, where art THOU, dear regular predictors?
(@LoungeLizard, @bubulina, @Telemachus, @chief bromden)

Are you gonna miss this one out?
Hurry up with the next prediction, everyone!
It's a B2B. We're on our way to Utahhh!

Now THAT'S the way to re-join the game @VF21!
You're the only one who nailed the exact point margin (5) for a score of
70 and the "King of the night" title!
Also starred: @Capt. Factorial (66), @CVKingsfan (63) and @origkds (60).



First daily win for @VF21 this season!

# KingsFan ........... Daily Wins
1. @Ron ............................. 13
2. @eMBarkat10n ............. 10
3. @New Era ........................ 9
4. @CVKingsfan .................. 8
--- @LoungeLizard ................ 8
--- @chief bromden .............. 8
--- @El Paljasso .................... 8
8. @Telemachus ................. 6
--- @BeerNerd916 ................. 6
10. @origkds ........................ 4
11. @Capt. Factorial ............ 3
12. @206Fan ........................ 2
13. @SLAB ........................... 1
--- @km23 ............................. 1
--- @alonshin ........................ 1
--- @King Baller .................... 1
--- @VF21 .............................


@CVKingsfan took the lead, convincingly

March 2018 Leaders

# Predictor (Pts)
1. @CVKingsfan (466)
2. @LoungeLizard (437)
3. @New Era (413)
4. @Ron (399)
5. @Capt. Factorial (392)
6. @Telemachus (370)
7. @El Paljasso (336)
8. @BeerNerd916 (332)
9. @eMBarkat10n (290)
10. @YoungBlood (288)
11. @origkds (225)
12. *The Flatliner (225)
13. @chief bromden (156)
14. @VF21 (70)
15. @bubulina (52)

Season Leaderboard

@CVKingsfan climbed over @eMBarkat10n and @Telemachus to take the 6th place overall

@VF21 jumped 2-3 places up to #21 (was tied with @Spike in 23rd/24th)


Highs Lows and Streaks

Most Prediction Attempts.............................70 - @Capt. Factorial and @Telemachus
Most Correct Predictions of Winner............46 - @Ron and @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 50+..........23 - @CVKingsfan
Most Predictions with a Score of 60+..........15 - @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 70+............5 - @Ron, @CVKingsfan and @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 80+............2 - @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 90+............1 - @origkds, @eMBarkat10n and @Ron
High % Correct in Predicting Winner.....69.7% - @Ron and @New Era
Low % Correct in Predicting Winner......25.0% - @VF21
Longest Streak in Predicting Winner............14 - @New Era in games 53-68 (absent in 2 of them)
Best Active Streak Predicting Winner.............2 - @El Paljasso
Worst Streak Mis-Predicting Winner.............8 - @El Paljasso in the first 9 games (absent once)
Worst Active Mis-Prediction Streak...............2 - @New Era, @BeerNerd916, @Telemachus, @eMBarkat10n and @YoungBlood
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