New Era Prediction Game 2017-18: Game Over!! See You in a New Thread Next Season

Once again - we have a rare case of a quadruple tie :eek: with 4 predictors in one daily winner seat!

(We had that back in game 42. It turns out it's not as rare as I thought...)

@LoungeLizard, @CVKingsfan, @New Era and @El Paljasso all missed the actual margin by only 1 point, and were all distant enough from both teams' scores to get no points for those...
And so - we have 4 winners, with 60 points each. :)

@eMBarkat10n would have been a tie-breaker and single winner with his original prediction, but eventually he "only" gets 52, to share 5th place with @BeerNerd916.



That was daily win number 8 for @LoungeLizard, @CVKingsfan and @New Era.
It was number 7 for @El Paljasso

# KingsFan ........................ Daily Wins
1. @Ron ............................... 13
2. @eMBarkat10n ............... 10
3. @CVKingsfan ................... 8
--- @LoungeLizard ................. 8
--- @New Era .......................... 8
6. @chief bromden ............... 7
--- @El Paljasso ...................... 7
8. @Telemachus ................... 6
--- @BeerNerd916 .................. 6
10. @origkds .......................... 4
11. @Capt. Factorial .............. 3
12. @206Fan .......................... 2
13. @SLAB ............................. 1
--- @km23 ............................... 1
--- @alonshin .......................... 1
--- @King Baller ...................... 1


@CVKingsfan leads the March race, ahead of @New Era and @Ron:


Season Leaderboard

Only one chsnge in the real ranking - @origkds passed @chief bromden in 10th place.

But the great news comes from outside the formal ranking:
For the first time in 2 months or so - "the flatliner" has dropped to 2nd place, and no longer has a better result than any of us!
@New Era has managed to pass the constant 106-97 L prediction, suggested by @R2D2, in the prediction ranking, and redeem us all (slightly) from the disgrace... ;)



@New Era's correct prediction streak continues to build in length, and is now 12-game-long. (Games 53-66, and counting, being absent in 2 of them)

@YoungBlood, on the other hand, has missed his shot tonight, at setting a new season record for non-interrupted correct predictions streak. Being incorrect tonight, he stopped at 8 correct predictions.

@bubulina's streak of INCORRECT predictions, that has already reached the 7 games mark, was also cut short tonight. Hence, @bubulina failed to tie the longest MISprediction streak set by @El Paljasso... ;)
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Ouch, that was a bad one...

In the prediction game 10 out of 11 predicted the L, but no one came really close to the scores and margin...

@chief bromden won the night with 50 points. (His 8th daily win)



# KingsFan ........................ Daily Wins
1. @Ron .............................. 13
2. @eMBarkat10n .............. 10
3. @CVKingsfan ................... 8
--- @LoungeLizard ................. 8
--- @New Era ......................... 8
--- @chief bromden ............... 8
7. @El Paljasso .................... 7
8. @Telemachus .................. 6
--- @BeerNerd916 ................. 6
10. @origkds ........................ 4
11. @Capt. Factorial ............ 3
12. @206Fan ........................ 2
13. @SLAB ........................... 1
--- @km23 ............................. 1
--- @alonshin ........................ 1
--- @King Baller .................... 1


@CVKingsfan is the current March leader.


Season Leaderboard

@chief bromden took the 10th place back from @origkds.

@New Era is still the overall leader.


Points Per Prediction

I didn't post this chart last game, and that's when @chief bromden lost his 1st placd to @New Era.



@New Era's streak of correct predictions is now at 13 games.