New look to board!

It's the same software, just the newest version. Most functions should be pretty close to the same. A plus should be no more internal server errors. :)
But the look! (I'm using it on my phone so I have no idea if it's just a mobile thing or an overall cosmetic change)


Super Moderator Emeritus
But the look! (I'm using it on my phone so I have no idea if it's just a mobile thing or an overall cosmetic change)
Same basic format and layout, but without any custom colors as yet. It looks very bright and crisp on my laptop.


Father, Husband, KingsFan
Staff member
But the look! (I'm using it on my phone so I have no idea if it's just a mobile thing or an overall cosmetic change)
It's definitely a different look that I hope you'll get used to. It was rebuilt from the ground up with responsive design so should function much better on phones, tablets, etc.
It looks nice on my phone, that's for sure! I will jump on my laptop in a few to check it out on that :)

This upgrade does answer a lot of my questions as of late, as I've been experiencing a lot of "server" issues. I had been getting a ton of error messages. Hopefully this solves that :)
Wow! Looks VERY nice on my laptop! Personally, I love the cleanliness and crispness of the new layout. As @VF21 mentioned above, I am sure there will be a banner down the road, and I can't wait for that to go up. Honestly, besides the banner, I wouldn't make any cosmetic changes whatsoever. I actually like the new color scheme quite a bit. :)
Mad props and huge kudos need to go out to the amazing owner of this board! Especially for pulling whatever strings needed to be pulled in order to roll this update out! As I said earlier, it looks incredible, and I can't wait for a potential banner to go up!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Mad props and huge kudos need to go out to the amazing owner of this board! Especially for pulling whatever strings needed to be pulled in order to roll this update out! As I said earlier, it looks incredible, and I can't wait for a potential banner to go up!
Jeremy (call sign Revrag) is our exalted leader, our grand poobah, our keeper of the faithful.