Agree effort police. If the Kings had lots younger-vets and 2-3 young players, I could see advancing those 2-3 young players through roles to slowly train them up and maintain pieces that help in 2-3 years (younger vets).
1. The Kings vets are at the end of the line of their NBA careers. By the team is good, the vets will be gone.
2. The Kings have a ton of young players. They vary from, should be great, just need time, maybe?, who knows????, and looooooog shot.
3. Like all things in life, NBA development is about reps and doing.
By playing vets, they are delaying both development and player evaluation that needs to occur now.
The last justification is well, getting beat by 30 every night isn't good for the culture or locker room. True, dat. You know what else is bad for the culture and locker room? 6-8 young players who have no idea if they are going to play, how long they are going to play, how long they sit between stints, who they play with, ect. on a team getting beat by 15 most nights. It's just not.
They aren't tearing the band aid off because the product will be so bad, it will damage ticket sales during the remaining honeymoon for the new arena. Or the coach, GM and owner don't know what they are doing / how these things work? Or both.