Just came on here for some fun. Great win by the Kings, your defense was awesome tonight and it was nice to see the whole team working together, especially for a team considered to be dysfunctional, this must be refereshing for you guys.
But actually no, that point is not refuted. Cousins rebounds the ball at 27.3 and the Kings call time out at 26.2, meaning the shot clock runs down to 23. If my math is correct (it is) 26.2-23=3.2, meaning there should have been more time on the clock.
On top of that, The clock starts 0.5 seconds before Ross touches the ball anyways. Ross gets off the shot with 0.5 seconds left. That's a full second (honestly maybe more) that you gotta take off the game clock to disallow the shot. There's just no way I'm buying that, especially considering there should have been at least 0.8 more seconds on the clock anyways. Even if by some loophole both of the other points I made don't apply, There's no way Ross can know there is a clock malfunction. And calling a game because of a clock malfunction sets a ridculous precedent for the future, where the home team can always start the clock a little late to mess with last second shots. At best the shot should have counted, at worst they should have replayed the possession.
To be clear I'm not salty. Honestly, the Kings deserved this win the way you guys played (I really don't know why we can never beat you
). But this was a completly bogus call. I know you Kings fans can sympathise with poor officiating right?