[Game] Game 30: Sacramento Kings vs. NY Knicks, 12/27/14. 7PM PST, 10PM EST


Super Moderator Emeritus
Greetings, fellow Kings fans. Apparently Tetsujin is still under the weather, so I'm starting the thread.

The game tonight scares me to death. The Knicks come in with an abysmal record and nothing to lose. They're already boasting a 1-16 record for the past 17 games, so they're just playing for pride. We lose tonight and I suspect there will be a run on pitchforks and torches at all the local hardware stores come Monday morning.

Vivek Ranadive has told us repeatedly that this is OUR team. Well, if it is, we need to stand up and make it very clear that we are not impressed with what has gone on with our team. We demand change with purpose, not a pat on the head and the "That's okay, sweetie, don't worry your pretty head because we know more than you" sentiment that has been all too forthcoming from the front office recently.

We aren't dummies. We aren't casual fans who don't understand the x's and o's. We certainly aren't going to be dissuaded by bright lights and shiny objects. The Maloofs tried that and learned very quickly it doesn't work.

WE WANT KARL! We want to see what a top-notch coach can do with DMC, Rudy, Ben and the rest of the guys. We want someone who will not be dictated to by the front office but will be given the reins and allowed to do what he does best.

We have been through too much. We need to get that spark of hope back and we need to get it back NOW.

I hope to have a list of the LOCAL owners and their contact information available shortly. Let's tweet/email them and let them know that we have been patient long enough. If not now, when?

I know Tetsujin usually does a review of the previous game, but I only have one thing to say: I'm glad Omri wasn't impressed by IT's posturing and strutting around like a bantam rooster and I'm even more glad the official didn't hit Omri with a technical. :p

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Keeping with "hell" mantra. I'll be mad as hell if Kings lose tonight! Hell will freeze over before I let this bumbling FO off the hook if they fail to hire George Karl! Hell, Let's Go Kings! HELL.jpg


If we play as well as we did against he Lakers (which was terrible but still) in the next 4 games we should go 4-0


Super Moderator Emeritus
I will never NEVER root for my Kings to lose. Mike Tavares is handing out "We Want Karl" signs before the game. I think he's outside section 121, but I'm not positive. If you're there or on the way, do your part and get your sign!


Super Moderator Emeritus
a loss here would probably require all of us to go and hide under a rock until further changes are made
You hide under a rock if you like. I'll be rallying the troops, helping to sharpen the pitchforks and light the torches. Kings fans don't hide, dude. They stand up and fight.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Doug Christie reliving the punch on pre-game. When asked about why and the fact it was a pre-season game, Doug replies "Once we lace em up, it's on. Pre-season, post-season, regular season. When it's versus the Lakers, it's on."

Just one of many, many reasons why I like Doug Christie! :)