Josh Smith?

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Were you in the room when these trades were made? Tyreke and it would have killed our cap room for years. We would not have improved. Is Lopez a better fit w cuz than smith? I don't think do. Are you sure Vazquez and Luc should have been here long term? Stauskas is gonna be a bad m*ther...gotta take bpa.
I think the main point was the value that we got in return for both Evans and IT. We didn't get fair value because the FO waited too long to pull the trigger.

Stauskas? He hasn't played an NBA minute, and he's a wolverine. Nuff said. ;)


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The roster is not done being formed. We will have more room next year.
Having room doesn't mean we will bring in the right free agents. Pretty much everything in the history of Sacramento goes against that line of thinking, which led us to the Landry signing, that led us to this discussion.

It seems as though the FO is trying to go all in as much as possible this year. I'm hoping that they're keeping an eye on future flexibility in case this plan doesn't work, but I'm not holding my breath.
5. Saying they want a shot blocking big man to pair with Cuz, but the guy they are linked to is a tweener SF/PF who is not what we would consider a true shot blocking presence, a la Dalembert, etc.
And yet he averages more BPG than Dalembert does for their careers. Strange how that happens.

Undersized or no, Josh Smith has been a pretty decent shotblocker his whole career, and would instantly be at least the 3rd best player on our team in the event of a trade. I don't see why we wouldn't take the risk.
So Detroit wants value not a salary dump?
Looking for a third team? New York will take Landry for JR Smith

Detroit gets DWill and JR smith which they get value (yes another knucklehead but a cheaper one)
Sacto gets Josh Smith
New York gets Landry

We save Jason Terry expiring for the Rajon Rondo trade?
Were you in the room when these trades were made? Tyreke and it would have killed our cap room for years. We would not have improved. Is Lopez a better fit w cuz than smith? I don't think do. Are you sure Vazquez and Luc should have been here long term? Stauskas is gonna be a bad m*ther...gotta take bpa.
Lol. Yes, in fact I was.
Tyrekes contract would have killed them for years?? Ok. And let's just say his contract was a killer, what pray tell would the Kings do with all of that extra $ saved from not matching? I mean Sacramento is such a hotbed for top tier FA talent, so it's not like they would have overpaid for a most likely lesser talent than Tyreke.
I never said Moute and Vasquez were long term, what i said was this team preaches defense and passing, and you could argue that those 2 were the only ones in the team capable of those 2 things
Well Smith is not here and he was not here last year when they had the chance to take back Lopez, so not sure what your point is.
Yes, I do agree Stauskas should be good. But that wasn't my point.
Smith was a chucker in Detroit and at times in Atlanta. I have my worries there.

He is also an above average passer and ball handler at the 4. If he can rein in the outside shots and focus on ball movement, the starting five (assuming Stauskas) has the potential to be electric on both ends.
That's a "what if " that you MUST roll the dice on if you're the Kings.
So Detroit wants value not a salary dump?
Looking for a third team? New York will take Landry for JR Smith

Detroit gets DWill and JR smith which they get value (yes another knucklehead but a cheaper one)
Sacto gets Josh Smith
New York gets Landry

We save Jason Terry expiring for the Rajon Rondo trade?
For the fun of it.. if they are looking for a 3rd team, does Boston have any pieces Detroit would want?

Just go ahead and snag our two targets all in one trade
And yet he averages more BPG than Dalembert does for their careers. Strange how that happens.

Undersized or no, Josh Smith has been a pretty decent shotblocker his whole career, and would instantly be at least the 3rd best player on our team in the event of a trade. I don't see why we wouldn't take the risk.
There is a difference in the shot blocking style of guys like Smith and Wallace and true rim protectors guys like Dalembert and Chandler.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for bringing in Smith and taking the risk. We need talent.
Having room doesn't mean we will bring in the right free agents. Pretty much everything in the history of Sacramento goes against that line of thinking, which led us to the Landry signing, that led us to this discussion.

It seems as though the FO is trying to go all in as much as possible this year. I'm hoping that they're keeping an eye on future flexibility in case this plan doesn't work, but I'm not holding my breath.
It's hard to leave the actual steering of the ship to others, in this case, the FO (the Pros) but that's what we're left with.

At 10:45 this morning my son who is not on but a Kings fan and my driver to the games called and asked if I was ready for Josh. Another degree of seriousness to these rumors.

At about game time today the family including me will be on the road Point Reyes Station for nine days of vacation bliss. So I'll learn about the game and any trade where ever I can get my iPad to work. Hold the fort for me.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
At about game time today the family including me will be on the road Poiny Reyes Station for nine days of vacation bliss. So I'll learn about the game and any trade where ever I can get my iPad to work. Hold the fort for me.
You can count on my steel!
"What the hell do you want? a continued rebuild?
I would like 2-3 years of one plan and an actual build. We did not have a rebuild for most of the late Maloof era. We weren't tanking, just bad as the team: botched several lottery picks, made trades primarily for financial reasons, further limited the moves we made because they had to be revenue neutral or better, and yet tried to remain quasi-competitive for attendance reasons. Other teams that were renting cap space and expiring deals - back when those had value because 1/2 to 1/3 the league didn't have cap space ever summer - were getting picks or assets back. Whereas the Kings were more interested in getting as much cash back as possible.

It is what is is. We're damn lucky to have a team. But we weren't building then. We made very little progress. It affects the base this new group has to work with.

This team has limited assets and are striking out on a playoffs or bust quest in the stacked west. The notion that they would take on Smith before Gay signs and extension seems pretty insane. I think extending Gay and getting Smith is locking up 42 wins with few cap options for 2-3 years going forward but that would be a plan. Gay leaving next summer and the Kings starting over with Smith's contract, no 2015 pick, and no meaningful cap space means PDA is fired soon and we're starting over again in 2016.

I would like one or two years of good drafts and smart contracts before "going for it."
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Oh, and I am fully on board with bringing Smith here. He may not be ideal, but we need talent.
Agreed....and I think we need to let go of the fantasy that we're ever going to have "ideal". Team chemistry trumps "ideal" on paper by a long shot. Case and point, our best Kings teams from the early 2000's. Nobody could have predicted that team would have exploded like it did with the addition of Mike Bibby. No one would have said before hand at the start of the '01 season that was an "ideal" group of players. Turns out that it was darn close with awesome 'chemistry'
As I said earlier, they probably could have kept Evans and still gotten Gay. TOR wanted to dump him badly.
Not necessarily.

Toronto resigned both Vasquez and Patterson this off season, so that shows they were players they actually liked and wanted. If they were to let everyone go, that they acquired in the trade, then you could say they just wanted to dump salary in Gay. I think this points to the fact that if Tyreke was not traded, we could not have gotten Gay.
Not necessarily.

Toronto resigned both Vasquez and Patterson this off season, so that shows they were players they actually liked and wanted. If they were to let everyone go, that they acquired in the trade, then you could say they just wanted to dump salary in Gay. I think this points to the fact that if Tyreke was not traded, we could not have gotten Gay.
Right. Same goes for the related "well, they could have just traded Jimmer instead of Vasquez." We don't know that. In fact, we do know that the Kings valued Vasquez more than Jimmer, and ultimately cut Jimmer for nothing after not being able to find anyone willing to take him. So, if they would have been able to include Vasquez instead of Jimmer in the Gay deal, they most likely would have done so.
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