Report: Kings finalizing sign and trade with Suns for Thomas

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This FO is a wreck, if we are somehow better next season I will eat my words, but for now this team looks like another 28 win team in the west. Gay will bolt and we are left with a pissed of Cousins an NO assets to improve our team. We will have capspace next summer to sign more marginal starters that we have to overpay for.
One of the best days in my life as a Kings fan in a long time! So happy to see him finally off the team. Wish him the best but I simply couldn't stand his playing style and seeming selfishness. Also, huge difference in his attitude compared to Tyreke's when leaving the Kings that to me speaks volumes. If he were truly about the city and the fans there would be a lot less talk about him and more talk about being sad to leave.
Got to disagree again. There are lots of times when free agents signing elsewhere don't merit a special media event. I'm more interested in the fact that IT quit following DMC on Twitter so quickly. Kind of lends credence to the rumors that our big guy and our little guy didn't see eye to eye, both literally and figuratively. Remember those occasions during the year when you could see tension on the court?

and shouting spilling out of the locker room while Malone was being interviewed...
It's quite funny reading reactions AS IF this is all we're going to get and AS IF there isn't another move on the horizon..

Think about what they're used for people.... So what do you people think? We're not going to use it? This could be the different in being able to make a BIGGER TRADE. So please hush up until this is either used or not used.

Teams with a trade exception have up to a year in which they can acquire more salary in other trades (Trade #2, #3, etc.) than they send away, as long as the gulf in salaries for Trade #2, #3, etc. are less than or equal to the difference in salary for Trade #1. This exception is particularly useful when teams trade draft picks directly for a player; since draft picks have no salary value, often the only way to get salaries to match is to use a trade exception, which allows trades to be made despite unbalanced salaries. It is also useful to compensate teams for losing free agents, as they can do a sign and trade of that free agent to acquire a trade exception that can be used later.
It's quite funny reading reactions AS IF this is all we're going to get and AS IF there isn't another move on the horizon..

Think about what they're used for people.... So what do you people think? We're not going to use it? This could be the different in being able to make a BIGGER TRADE. So please hush up until this is either used or not used.

Teams with a trade exception have up to a year in which they can acquire more salary in other trades (Trade #2, #3, etc.) than they send away, as long as the gulf in salaries for Trade #2, #3, etc. are less than or equal to the difference in salary for Trade #1. This exception is particularly useful when teams trade draft picks directly for a player; since draft picks have no salary value, often the only way to get salaries to match is to use a trade exception, which allows trades to be made despite unbalanced salaries. It is also useful to compensate teams for losing free agents, as they can do a sign and trade of that free agent to acquire a trade exception that can be used later.
They aren't nearly as rare or valuable as people are thinking. Mostly they get used a couple times a year by teams trying to dump a bad contract in order to clear space to sign a good free agent. But lots of teams have them and it space and all you usually get for taking the bad contract is a late 1st.

If we are banking on the exception as the key to a big, valuable acquisition we are likely to be disappointed.
Hmm. Bledsoe, Dragic, Thomas against Collison, McCallum, McLemore/Stauskas. We get to see that 4x a year. If you like carnage, get your tickets while they last. The people who didn't like Thomas have nothing to worry about though. After all, he's only 5'9".

Apparently, the GM who can see four moves ahead is now seeing so far ahead that we're in Rebuild II.
Lol weren't you basically on the exact opposite side of the fence last year when it was about Tyreke?
They aren't nearly as rare or valuable as people are thinking. Mostly they get used a couple times a year by teams trying to dump a bad contract in order to clear space to sign a good free agent. But lots of teams have them and it space and all you usually get for taking the bad contract is a late 1st.

If we are banking on the exception as the key to a big, valuable acquisition we are likely to be disappointed.
Our front office is always trying to hit a home run so this could be VERY VERY useful this season at some point. The alternative is letting him walk for nothing.....

I have a feeling we will be using the exception sooner than later. There are still teams looking to unload some decent players and the Kings have some mid-salary players like Landry and Thompson which teams might want to trade for while unloading a 10+mil player.

Question though, I know it has to be a 1 on 1 player for player trade in order to get the exception like we did but when using it does it have to also be a one vs one trade?
$6.75/year is really reasonable for a 6th man.
Which is why I don't understand them giving DC the contract they did. IT is the superior guard. And this is coming from somebody who has watched more of DC with the hornets, pacers, and clippers than most people. DC is a career backup, and right now, Ray should be starting for this team.

This is such a step backwards. I don't understand it. DC got his shot(s) when Paul was hurt in NOLA and LAL, when he had opportunities in Indy too. He's too inconsistent and this is such a disappointing step backwards for this team.


Which is why I don't understand them giving DC the contract they did. IT is the superior guard. And this is coming from somebody who has watched more of DC with the hornets, pacers, and clippers than most people. DC is a career backup, and right now, Ray should be starting for this team.

This is such a step backwards. I don't understand it. DC got his shot(s) when Paul was hurt in NOLA and LAL, when he had opportunities in Indy too. He's too inconsistent and this is such a disappointing step backwards for this team.
So is Isaiah Thomas, put Thomas on every team DC has played for he would not be starting on any of them either. We just swapped one back up for another nothing wrong with that. The real problem lies in the deal we have in Gay (19mil) and Landry (6-7) and a couple other pieces which killed the cap and really have not improved the team (aside from Gay). That's the problem losing IT and replacing him with DC is very minor.

The team right now is looking very awful I will say we have not addressed any of the major issues we have.
But IT is a superior guard of the two, and the Kings were actually not bad with IT, Gay, and Cousins starting. So why pay a little over 6mil/year for an inferior, older player when you can keep a younger, superior player for the same price?

We just swapped one back up for another nothing wrong with that. The real problem lies in the deal we have in Gay (19mil) and Landry (6-7) and a couple other pieces which killed the cap and really have not improved the team (aside from Gay). That's the problem losing IT and replacing him with DC is very minor.

The team right now is looking very awful I will say we have not addressed any of the major issues we have.
Even if I agreed that it was a wash (which I don't), that's still bad because lateral moves are a sign of bad management. But yes, that Landry deal was beyond idiotic.
Good deal for PHO.

It hurts that IT and Tyreke (the guys who spoke up most for Sac) are both gone in just over one season.

Go get yours Isaiah. I'll cheer for you if you go off first time back n town.
I don't know what the fuzz is all abou
I don't get it.

Phoenix could have signed IT at the same price without giving the Traded Player Exception. The price is too high for the Kings to match anyways. I am basing this of course on Bricklayer's premise that the Kings could not match the price they offered IT without going over the Luxury Tax level. I think above $5M or so, we will be above the Luxury Tax level?

So, why did Phoenix have to give that valuable TPE to Sacramento?

Do they have to sweeten the deal or just playing nice to Sacramento?

I don't know what the fuzz is all abou

I don't get it.

Phoenix could have signed IT at the same price without giving the Traded Player Exception. The price is too high for the Kings to match anyways. I am basing this of course on Bricklayer's premise that the Kings could not match the price they offered IT without going over the Luxury Tax level.

So, why did Phoenix have to give that valuable TPE to Sacramento?

Do they have to sweeten the deal or just playing nice to Sacramento?

Because they aren't that valuable. It insures them we won't match without having to give up any asset at all.
It's quite funny reading reactions AS IF this is all we're going to get and AS IF there isn't another move on the horizon..

Think about what they're used for people.... So what do you people think? We're not going to use it? This could be the different in being able to make a BIGGER TRADE. So please hush up until this is either used or not used.

Teams with a trade exception have up to a year in which they can acquire more salary in other trades (Trade #2, #3, etc.) than they send away, as long as the gulf in salaries for Trade #2, #3, etc. are less than or equal to the difference in salary for Trade #1. This exception is particularly useful when teams trade draft picks directly for a player; since draft picks have no salary value, often the only way to get salaries to match is to use a trade exception, which allows trades to be made despite unbalanced salaries. It is also useful to compensate teams for losing free agents, as they can do a sign and trade of that free agent to acquire a trade exception that can be used later.
There are a lot of teams that let TPE's lapse..the W's being one example. And we know how much this FO wants to be the W's :)
You know what I'm actually looking forward to? Now the IT vs Tyreke debate is officially over. Generally speaking the IT supporters were the Tyreke "haters" and vice versa. Now that they're both gone, I'm looking forward to us getting back to rooting for the team! Go Kings! Or at least ... till the next divide pops up :p


Super Moderator Emeritus
This FO is a wreck, if we are somehow better next season I will eat my words, but for now this team looks like another 28 win team in the west. Gay will bolt and we are left with a pissed of Cousins an NO assets to improve our team. We will have capspace next summer to sign more marginal starters that we have to overpay for.
And to make it even worse, the sun is going to burn out, we'll be struck by asteroids AND hordes of angry ants will invade Sleep Train.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You know what I'm actually looking forward to? Now the IT vs Tyreke debate is officially over. Generally speaking the IT supporters were the Tyreke "haters" and vice versa. Now that they're both gone, I'm looking forward to us getting back to rooting for the team! Go Kings! Or at least ... till the next divide pops up :p
You won't have to wait too long. Based on tonight's reactions to the first summer league game, Ben is most likely the next target. (I'm just not sure how many supporters he'll have if he doesn't show some kind of improvement pretty quickly).


Hall of Famer
I don't know what the fuzz is all abou

I don't get it.

Phoenix could have signed IT at the same price without giving the Traded Player Exception. The price is too high for the Kings to match anyways. I am basing this of course on Bricklayer's premise that the Kings could not match the price they offered IT without going over the Luxury Tax level. I think above $5M or so, we will be above the Luxury Tax level?

So, why did Phoenix have to give that valuable TPE to Sacramento?

Do they have to sweeten the deal or just playing nice to Sacramento?

I basically comes down to PHX wanted him and we didn't want anything from them. Chicago is gonna be looking to she'd salary and the have our pick held hostage.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Which is why I don't understand them giving DC the contract they did. IT is the superior guard. And this is coming from somebody who has watched more of DC with the hornets, pacers, and clippers than most people. DC is a career backup, and right now, Ray should be starting for this team.

This is such a step backwards. I don't understand it. DC got his shot(s) when Paul was hurt in NOLA and LAL, when he had opportunities in Indy too. He's too inconsistent and this is such a disappointing step backwards for this team.
The superior guard also eats up a superior amount of balltime and shots.

Look, this is one of those almost I told you so moments. I avoid I told you sos because they just make people resentful. But nonetheless the exact reasoning behind this move appears to have been advanced repeatedly on this board over the last year. Isaiah dominates the ball too much, he shoots too much, it freezes out teammates. No no say the Isaiah supporters. but yes yes says the front office. And so the best way to explain this move is in wanting to take a step back there on purpose so that the rest of the roster could take a step forward. I doubt they think Collison is better than IT. But they may think, as I do, that Collison is kind of like a slightly less bright slightly toned down Isaiah. He has some of the same traits, some of the same offensive ability and ability to score in spurts and press the pace. But without the same ego/ extreme shot munching pace that put so much pressure on the offense and deadened ball movement. I doubt Collison is their ideal either, but he'll do, help a little, and has a contract in the range that if we ever get the rest of the cap straightened out, he can be transitioned back to scoring PG 6th man duty, the duty IT was so well built for, once we finally do get our preferred fit guy in here ahead of him.
I doubt they think Collison is better than IT. But they may think, as I do, that Collison is kind of like a slightly less bright slightly toned down Isaiah. He has some of the same traits, some of the same offensive ability and ability to score in spurts and press the pace. But without the same ego/ extreme shot munching pace that put so much pressure on the offense and deadened ball movement. I doubt Collison is their ideal either, but he'll do, help a little, and has a contract in the range that if we ever get the rest of the cap straightened out, he can be transitioned back to scoring PG 6th man duty, the duty IT was so well built for, once we finally do get our preferred fit guy in here ahead of him.
Plus, the upside on the defensive side of basketball.

No more of that extreme small ball playing at the back court.

Go Kings!
Truly a case of "less is more." As an earlier poster put it, this may be a case of professional maturity. Even D-Wade dialed it back and assumed the role of "second banana" a couple years back, because you don't need everyone to be a LeBron. IT apparently hasn't grown to see that yet...unfortunately, I don't think he'll get the same chances for growth in his new gig, unless he grows introspective on the bench.

The superior guard also eats up a superior amount of balltime and shots.

Look, this is one of those almost I told you so moments. I avoid I told you sos because they just make people resentful. But nonetheless the exact reasoning behind this move appears to have been advanced repeatedly on this board over the last year. Isaiah dominates the ball too much, he shoots too much, it freezes out teammates. No no say the Isaiah supporters. but yes yes says the front office. And so the best way to explain this move is in wanting to take a step back there on purpose so that the rest of the roster could take a step forward. I doubt they think Collison is better than IT. But they may think, as I do, that Collison is kind of like a slightly less bright slightly toned down Isaiah. He has some of the same traits, some of the same offensive ability and ability to score in spurts and press the pace. But without the same ego/ extreme shot munching pace that put so much pressure on the offense and deadened ball movement. I doubt Collison is their ideal either, but he'll do, help a little, and has a contract in the range that if we ever get the rest of the cap straightened out, he can be transitioned back to scoring PG 6th man duty, the duty IT was so well built for, once we finally do get our preferred fit guy in here ahead of him.
You know what I'm actually looking forward to? Now the IT vs Tyreke debate is officially over. Generally speaking the IT supporters were the Tyreke "haters" and vice versa. Now that they're both gone, I'm looking forward to us getting back to rooting for the team! Go Kings! Or at least ... till the next divide pops up :p
Acy vs. Evans!
You won't have to wait too long. Based on tonight's reactions to the first summer league game, Ben is most likely the next target. (I'm just not sure how many supporters he'll have if he doesn't show some kind of improvement pretty quickly).
if things continue to be the same, there probably won't be any 'divide' in this case
hey, he's not our problem anymore. it'll be interesting to see if he's trying to beat out dragic/bledsoe for a starting position and locks up their offensive sets.
The Suns get insurance against injury and the eventual loss of Bledsoe or Dragic. It will be interesting if the Suns can continue with their Cinderella story of last season.
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