You want me to watch the Finals? Make it relevant to MY TEAM

"SAN ANTONIO - In their latest attempt to expand its audience and attract viewers who historically tune out the NBA playoffs, league officials are experimenting with live musical acts during pregame and halftime festivities."

If they want the rest of us to watch the Finals, then they need to make it relevant to the teams we care about. I'm not saying this is a good idea, but as an example: How about the winning team (Finals) also wins it for all the teams on their coast? Like if the Spurs win it, every team in the West get's some +1 draft order or something. I dunno. I'm sure there's better ideas but the point is to make it relevant; aka give us a reason to root for one of the teams.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
chimchim said:
... If they want the rest of us to watch the Finals, then they need to make it relevant to the teams we care about. I'm not saying this is a good idea, but as an example: How about the winning team (Finals) also wins it for all the teams on their coast? Like if the Spurs win it, every team in the West get's some +1 draft order or something. I dunno. I'm sure there's better ideas but the point is to make it relevant; aka give us a reason to root for one of the teams.
Uhh, I know you're new here, so don't take this the wrong way (ie, I'm not picking on you), but that's just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Super Moderator Emeritus
chimchim said:
"SAN ANTONIO - In their latest attempt to expand its audience and attract viewers who historically tune out the NBA playoffs, league officials are experimenting with live musical acts during pregame and halftime festivities."

If they want the rest of us to watch the Finals, then they need to make it relevant to the teams we care about. I'm not saying this is a good idea, but as an example: How about the winning team (Finals) also wins it for all the teams on their coast? Like if the Spurs win it, every team in the West get's some +1 draft order or something. I dunno. I'm sure there's better ideas but the point is to make it relevant; aka give us a reason to root for one of the teams.
Interesting although somewhat unique perspective.

I'm a Kings fan, but I'm also a fan of basketball in general and I watch the finals to see some very good fundamental basketball being played.

It's truly a shame that's not good enough any more.

IMHO it's not about making it relevant to other teams and rewarding all of them, and if it was, why exactly would that increase viewership? The game you saw would be exactly the same.

This, to me, is akin to arguing against keeping score in kid's games because you don't want someone to be the "winner" on the assumption that would hurt the feelings of the losers.


How about the other teams in the conference assemble a championship calliber team, win the conference, be in the finals, compete for the title, and that should be worth watching if that particular team was your favorite team. That should be the only thing other than being just a basketball fan that gets you to watch the finals.
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yeah that new live music pre-game thing is a little annoying. and what is it saying about the overall quality of the NBA. that their product isn't good enough on it's own? they need to spice it up with pre-game entertainment because nobody is watching? i understand someone performing during halftime but doing it before a game is a bit tacky IMO.

as far as making things relevant to my team. i don't see how there's any possible way of doing that if it isn't already relevant. i'm sure GM's and coaches watch the finals and look at players and strategies. i watch the finals because i'm a huge fan of basketball. as long as it's competitive then i will watch regardless of who's playing.
What a silly idea. These are the two best teams in the NBA, how about that as a reason to root for one? Which one do you think is the best? Or, you could just not watch it and consider the NBA season to be over for you once the Kings were eliminated.

It's the Finals, it's not supposed to be relevant to "your" team, it's relevant to "your" league. The NBA. Maybe you're not an NBA Fan, just a Kings fan? That's ok. In that case, the Finals shouldn't matter to you and you shouldn't be worried about who's performing before the game.


Super Moderator Emeritus
What's wrong with it, in the minds of many, is that they're trying to make the game more than it is. The music acts aren't necessary. They don't add a blasted thing to the game... if people are tuning in now simply because of the music, then sooner or later they might as well just turn it into a live concert and forget the game.

More and more "retro" uniforms so gullible fans will spend more money. Alternate jerseys for the same reason. New jerseys every couple of years - ditto. Live music at the NBA finals - blatant attempt to attract non-sports fan viewers to increase ratings and garner more money from commercials. The idea of selling advertising space on jerseys to ... garner more money from advertisers. An "all-star weekend" that is no more devoted to the game than Holiday Sales are devoted to the true meaning of Christmas.

It's ALL about the money 24/7. I know I probably sound overly puritanical about this sport I've watched since the mid-60s, but basketball is rapidly losing its identity. And, for the life of me, I can't think of any way to stop it...


Homer Fan Since 1985
VF21 said:
It's ALL about the money 24/7. I know I probably sound overly puritanical about this sport I've watched since the mid-60s, but basketball is rapidly losing its identity. And, for the life of me, I can't think of any way to stop it...
I was going to say, "Replacing David Stern would help." However, he has been around so long and shown everyone how to get that "extra buck" that I doubt getting rid of him would help any longer.


Super Moderator Emeritus
As much as I like to blame Stern any time possible, I really don't think this can be put at his feet - at least not completely. I think a lot of the blame falls on the owners, who in their desire to make up for the obscene salaries they are paying the players, feel they should be able to pass on the cost whenever possible and get as much as the traffic will bear in revenues.
Doncha hate that it's all about money? The revolving door that is revenue is a hell-hole for those of us who just want to watch simple b-ball. Take the contract dispute, for instance. And take the demand for more money in the middle of a contract, for that matter. And while we're at it, look at the lack of loyalty many players have to their teams, just for the almighty dollar. The word "cheap" comes to mind, but that doesn't really make sense. ;)