WNBA website article teaser

This morning, I went to the WNBA website. If you scroll halfway down the page, and over on the right-hand side, is a section of columns and articles about their players.

There is one bit that goes:

Travel: With Lisa Leslie:
Reigning MVP Lisa Leslie hopes that her next vacation is a championship celebration after the season....

"Reigning MVP"? Does Ann Meyers work for the WNBA's website too? :D
I find it funny that nobody else has ever been referred to as the reigning MVP of anything until Lisa won it (or the year Meyers swore she won it instead of Swoopes). I know other than our broadcasters, nobody called Yo the reigning MVP.

yes...I'm still bitter.....
absolutely it's factual THIS time, the last time they dubbed her the reigning MVP it was not. I'm just alluding to the fact that Lisa is the only player they(Anne Meyers and WNBA.com now too apparently) ever seems to want to tag the phrase "reigning MVP" on. I have no problem with them recognizing who holds what title, I have no problem with Lisa even being named MVP (although last year I would have voted for Jackson) I just want them to be consistent with their recognition. Poor Swoopes wins the MVP and Meyers sets off a firestorm of misspeak around the league and her award was groupthinked away to Leslie on the airwaves and in print. (They seemed to realize a little quicker that contrary to Anne Meyers belief, Sue Bird did not win the ROTY award and that Tamika Catchings did and that B.S. stopped shortly after the first couple of weeks of the season).

(And yes, I'm still bitter that Yo never got any run the year after she bagged her triple award win).