What up with this kid?

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Hm..I notice that pic is coming from Desert News? Isn't that Utah newspaper?

Probably an old pic when Malone and Stockton was having their last game at Arco and the season. It looks like Arco from the seats (and the fan).
I thought the next greatest duo would be J-Will and CWebb!!

I had a magazine with a poster of both of them and there's a qoute under the pic saying, "probably the greatest duo, Jason Williams and Chris Webber".... with JWill only his second season with the Kings...

I missed JWill, he was the reason I became a Kingsfan... :)
Gargamel said:
If this were Arco Arena, what would this kid have heard from the fans surrounding him?

Ive never been to Arco arena...so i don't know for sure...but id like to think no one said anything considering us as kings fans are the best most respectable fans out there...BUT i know I'D be THINKING...:eek: :rolleyes: "ugh! sit down!" but thats cuz i always hated Stockton and Malone with every inch of mind body and soul...just thinking of them is making me sick to my stomach
Gargamel said:
If this were Arco Arena, what would this kid have heard from the fans surrounding him?

I don't think I got the point you were trying to make? ARCO gave Stockton and Malone a standing ovation send-off befitting their contributions to the game of basketball..............of course, we thought Malone was going to retire, but that's another story;) I do believe that picture is from that night, in ARCO, btw.
Rockmeister said:
Why do you ask? Is the kid doing something wrong? By the way, the picture is taken AT Arco.
The only thing wrong I see is that the sign should read, "2nd best duo ever behind Magic and Kareem". Other than that, he's wearing a Kings jersey so you tell me.
Gargamel said:
The only thing wrong I see is that the sign should read, "2nd best duo ever behind Magic and Kareem". Other than that, he's wearing a Kings jersey so you tell me.
Ah no! Longevity and stat records put them over the top
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Heuge said:
Ah no! Longevity and stat records put them over the top
I say five rings put Magic and Kareem on top (6 for Kareem). You poll Bird, Parish, McHale, Hakeem, Clyde, Moses, Doc, Isiah, Worthy, Joe-D, Rodman, MJ, Scottie, Duncan, D-Rob, Shaq, and Kobe and I bet most if not all of them agree with me.
Gargamel said:
The only thing wrong I see is that the sign should read, "2nd best duo ever behind Magic and Kareem". Other than that, he's wearing a Kings jersey so you tell me.
Of COURSE he's wearing a Kings jersey, he's in ARCO, he's a Kings fan, why wouldn't he be? I think you are sadly misjudging the ARCO faithful. Yes, we love OUR team and hate yours. Yes, we hated Stockton and Malone too, as rivals, but we are classy enough to give them the send off they deserved.
Kingsgurl said:
Of COURSE he's wearing a Kings jersey, he's in ARCO, he's a Kings fan, why wouldn't he be? I think you are sadly misjudging the ARCO faithful. Yes, we love OUR team and hate yours. Yes, we hated Stockton and Malone too, as rivals, but we are classy enough to give them the send off they deserved.
Thanks for teaching me that an attempt to mock the beloved and appreciated Karl Malone is not wanted at KF.com. :rolleyes: Why oh why didn't I recall the many warm and fuzzy comments made about Malone and Stockton over the years before I made that post in jest?

Jeeeesus H. Chris Webber.
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