Today's "Monarchs Insider" column

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
My initial reaction to the end of that article would be to say "**** what Bill Laimbeer thinks!"

Having given it careful consideration, however, I would now like to say "**** what Bill Laimbeer thinks!"


Homer Fan Since 1985
My initial reaction to the end of that article would be to say "**** what Bill Laimbeer thinks!"

Having given it careful consideration, however, I would now like to say "**** what Bill Laimbeer thinks!"

Slim, I must respectfully disagree. I say, "****what Bill Laimbeer thinks!"

It's all in the color. Otherwise, I agee totally. :D
I respectfully agree wholeheartedly with my distinguished colleagues who have made careful consideration of their reactions and applied careful color choices thereto.

I *hope* this is some sort of coaches exchange program and that the Detroit Free Press is writing about what Boucek's opinion is on all things about anything. Gawd...can I please have a Laimbeer moritorium from the Bee?

Oh...and memo to our beat writer...can we please stop trying to create a point guard controversy? Thank you...