Ron Artest -- something to with a new contract...

Ron Artests latest tweets

Go to 1140 THTK Radio in Sacramento for the lastest Updates on My New Multi-Hundred Thousand Dollar Deal!!!about 1 hour ago from mobile web

I'm Sooo Happy (Tears comin' Down My Face.)about 1 hour ago from mobile web

i just signed my deal. we ballin tonight. champagne on meabout 1 hour ago from mobile web

I'm signing my new deal as I'm Twittin'..

what is the best restaurant in vegas? i just drove here from la

THANKS ALOT HOUSTON.:) I HAD ALOT OF FUN:)about 3 hours ago from web

any idea's?
He has added this since...

we are playing pool at lamar odums barn in hollywood.17 minutes ago from mobile web

hey friendly humans.22 minutes ago from mobile web

Listen to 1140 THTK Carmichael Dave.. Shout Out to @qmadethebeat We got them Beats comin' to a Place near you!

As far as where he is playing next year his cousins twitter says "La is in the lead for Ron"... Which isn't something I'm particullarly happy about.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
We'll find out soon enough, I suppose. Although in LA he might implode, which wouldn't be too bad.

On a personal note: the apostrophe is used to denote possession. No apostrophe to make things plural. Ideas, not idea's. I know it's a little thing, but it's really been bugging me lately.
Ron artest is dead to me if he signs with LA. Signing with a team with such arrogance to where they didn't try for two games in the playoffs just makes me sad and I loved artest as a player. He gave us a ton last season but I could live with Cleveland. LA on the other hand doesn't come close to deserving him.


Super Moderator Emeritus
LA is the worst possible place for Ron Artest to relocate. I suspect the Hollywood crowd will love having him around for a while - and then they'll chew him up and spit him out.
According to radio in houston he's signing with LA.

I'm not mad that he's leaving Houston as we're rebuilding basically but LA? Ugh...

I'll be out back crying
As long as Phil's the coach, this will be a GREAT pickup for the Lakers. If Phil does not come back, and Rambis is the coach, it may be a different story. Regardless, adding a talent like Artest to the roster of the reigning NBA champions makes them that much tougher.
Wow. This can go either way--it can either be a huge success where Artest injects greater toughness into that Laker team (and granted Phil Jackson might be the ideal coach to maintain egos) and gives them a certified, albeit waning, defensive stopper of sorts, or it can be a huge disaster with Ron's shotjacking tendencies and out of control maniacal behavior taking precedence over the Lakers' play. There's no in between. It's a risk move for the Lakers, but if Ariza was really asking for a boatload of money and Artest was only asking for the MLE it probably was the correct move. Financial matters always takes precedence over discovered/homegrown talent.
I can see this ending bad for both sides. Even though Ron and kobe are suppose to be good friends, you can tell kobe just always kinds of strings him along... like not really respecting Ron from the heart.

For the lakers, Ariza was a much better fit. Ron USED to be a good defensive player, but he is not that good anymore. He also no longer tries very hard on D. His effort used to make up for his lack of speed. But now his D is mostly half axx.

The game changing steals that Ariza made.... Ron wouldn't have got those. We saw how successful Battier was at guarding kobe during the playoffs but while kobe would just drive pass Ron or shoot in his face at will.

Ron will also TRY to take more shots and dominate the ball a lot more than Ariza obviously. I would think Ron's main reason for going to the lakers is so he can live in LA for the partying.... showbiz etc. Probably problems down the line.
I can see this ending bad for both sides. Even though Ron and kobe are suppose to be good friends, you can tell kobe just always kinds of strings him along... like not really respecting Ron from the heart.

For the lakers, Ariza was a much better fit. Ron USED to be a good defensive player, but he is not that good anymore. He also no longer tries very hard on D. His effort used to make up for his lack of speed. But now his D is mostly half axx.

The game changing steals that Ariza made.... Ron wouldn't have got those. We saw how successful Battier was at guarding kobe during the playoffs but while kobe would just drive pass Ron or shoot in his face at will.

Ron will also TRY to take more shots and dominate the ball a lot more than Ariza obviously. I would think Ron's main reason for going to the lakers is so he can live in LA for the partying.... showbiz etc. Probably problems down the line.
Ron Artest for mid level>>>>>>>>>>>>>Trevor Ariza for $8-9 million
Ron Artest for mid level>>>>>>>>>>>>>Trevor Ariza for $8-9 million
RKid... shouldn't you be on a lakers forum to discuss this instead? :rolleyes:

Thats what he wants... he won't get it. At this point in their careers.. Ariza is better for championship contending teams. He doesn't need the ball on offense, is ok with averaging only a few points a game if thats whats needed.

Just plays D and makes game changing steals. Ron doesn't do that anymore. Like I said... u can clearly tell Ron's D is on the big decline when you watch him guard the top wing guys in the league. They all drive pass him at will.

The reason Artest played well with the Rockets this yr is because TMAC wasn't there so Artest got the ball a lot and was the # 2 option. I can't see "the blackhole" will be happy with waiting for catch and shoot situations every game.

Ariza is probably going to the Cavs for revenge.
Wishful thinking unfortunately...

Kobe/Phil are about the only people in the league who can somewhat control Artest. It'll be like Rodman going to the Bulls.

Artest is still in his prime (maybe not as quick as he once was I guess).. unless Phil goes, Lakers are easily the favorite to repeat and maybe threaten 70 wins...
People think Artest is a good signing and better than Ariza just because of his rep as being able to put up points and D up.

If you really look at it as whether it fits in a basketball team standpoint, Ariza fits teams with superstars already much better than Ron. Ron is no longer the player on D he was when he was with the Pacers. Not even when he was with the Kings. To score, Ron needs the ball in his hands.

Dribble dribble dribble and try to force his way into the lane. Gets shut down and retrives back out to the top of the key and takes a step back fade as the clock is down to 2 secs with the defender right in his grill.

Ariza just plays his role, takes open 3s or drive when he sees the D already broken down by kobe or pau.

Artest wants to go to the lakers for the LA lifestyle. We'll see how much further it affects his game.
Hey, I hope it plays out that way... at the very least it could take touches away from Odom and Bynum and muck up the triangle.

I still think Kobe and Phil will be able to reign the guy in, but I'd be absolutely tickled to see things implode there. I'm just not betting on it.

Ron, time to rejuvinate the musical career maybe?? :)
Im not going to bad mouth Trevor because quite frankly I like the guy and I wish something could have been worked out. Ron Artest however is a better player who has given LA fits with his strength and his toughness.

Not only did the Lakers sign a really good player, but they kept him away from Cleveland, Boston, etc.. Maybe Trevor is worth 8-9 mill a year but he was not going to get that from the Lakers. All Ron has to do now is feast of the Kobe and Pau's double teams.

Worst case scenario Ron looses it and we sit him down or trade him.

Overall good move.
Artest has left each franchise he has been with worse then when he arrived. I'd almost be willing to flip a little coin to see Artest go to the L@#$rs.
I disagree. He left Indiana in shambles I will concede, but the Kings had more to do with Geoff Petrie than Ron, and Yao and Tracy's briddleness doomed the Rockets. Ron was instrumental in the Rox success last year.
In getting Artest, they gave away Ariza possibly to the Cavs.

Remember the games where kobe was shooting poorly against the Magic and were down in the 3rd qtr? Was it Trevor that dropped 13 points in the 3rd to bring them back?

Was it Trevor that made those back breaking steals against the Nuggets? How about the one against the Magic? He actually saved the lakers with his play in the playoffs. This is how they repay him.

According to this

The lakers never even offered Ariza a contract. Basically told him to go out there and find out what others will pay u. I'm sure when they said this they already talked to Artest and didn't mind losing Ariza. Its obvious since right after the championship, the team, phil, kobe etc all said they wanted Ariza back.

Dump the old wife for a younger hotter girl after you win the lottery... thats what the lakers did.
Form what I read and heard (from other Laker fans) Mitch basically told him to go find the best deal and they would see if they would match it. I know its sucks, but his agent isnt as clean as on might think, he tried to play hardball with Mitch last year with Drew and this year with Trev and Mitch called him on it.

From other articles that I have read Trevor might actually sign with Houston who is meeting with him in Las Vegas.