Congratulations to kingsnation! Not only for winning the whole tournament, but for correctly picking the Patriots and for coming closest to the correct final score as well. Well done. You win the appreciation of myself and the other 5 people that will read this thread.
Final Total
Final Total
- kingsnation - 21
- Bibby_Is_Clutch - 19
- tbear03 - 14
- JayBird - 12
- uolj - 12
- slugking50 - 10
- Andriod_KiNg - 8
- Bballkingsrock - 8
- Brewer16 - 8
- Evenstar - 8
- funsc - 8
- G_M - 8
- iheartBrad - 8
- xrzn - 8
- hoodie - 6
- 6th - 4
- OHSacFan - 4
- RAIDER925 - 4
- Freakout - 2
- Variant - 2
- bdouble013 - 0
- Double E - 0
- Heuge - 0
- ImaDougaholic24_7 - 0
- Ryle - 0
- slugking50 - 10 (includes 2 pt bonus for losing team score)
- Bibby_Is_Clutch - 8
- Brewer16 - 8
- Evenstar - 8
- funsc - 8
- G_M - 8
- iheartBrad - 8
- kingsnation - 8
- xrzn - 8
- Bballkingsrock - 0
- bdouble013 - 0
- Double E - 0
- Heuge - 0 (includes pat on back bonus for correct score in reverse)
- ImaDougaholic24_7 - 0
- Ryle - 0
- uolj - 0
- JayBird - 8
- tbear03 - 8
- Andriod_KiNg - 4
- Bibby_Is_Clutch - 4
- kingsnation - 4
- uolj - 4
- Bballkingsrock - 0
- hoodie - 0
- OHSacFan - 0
- kingsnation - 8
- Bballkingsrock - 6
- hoodie - 6
- tbear03 - 6
- uolj - 6
- 6th - 4
- Andriod_KiNg - 4
- Bibby_Is_Clutch - 4
- JayBird - 4
- OHSacFan - 4
- RAIDER925 - 4
- Freakout - 2
- Rockmeister - 2
- Variant - 2
- Bibby_Is_Clutch - 3
- uolj - 2
- Bballkingsrock - 2
- kingsnation - 1