Welcome, fellow Kings fans!
It's another beautiful day here in the forest but COLD. The sky is brilliant blue and the sunlight is almost blinding. The few remnants of snow have ice crystals glittering like diamonds against the deep green of the pines. The wind is gusting from the north, so it is - as I said - COLD. Inside it's snug and warm, thanks to the woodstove.
I've got my purple slippers, lucky socks, Bibby jersey and Kings "trekkie" shirt ready for tonight's game, along with the Kings blankey. All my totems are in their proper locations, and have not been moved since our game Sunday.
**Commercial break** I do these PBPs for the enjoyment and convenience of our members and guests who cannot see or listen to the game. I can do that because of the unending generosity and dedication of our board owner, Jeremy. If you would like to help defray the costs of keeping Kingsfans.com up and running, please consider becoming a contributing member. You are, of course, under no obligation. For more information about becoming a contributing member, please check the sticked thread at the top of this forum. Thank you! **End Commercial Break**
If you want to talk about the game as it progresses, be sure and check the other game thread started by piksi, and our chat, located at mIRC, server: irc.bludgeon.org, channel #Kingsfans. I ask that people not use THIS thread for game-time discussion as it really stops the flow of the PBP.
As far as our line-up goes, the Bee reported this morning that both Pedja and Chris are starting. Good news for all Kings fans!!!
I have a feeling tonight is going to be another great night for all of us. It's Kevin Martin's birthday and I think a decisive win over the Sonics will be a nice way to celebrate. BTW, be sure and add your greetings to the Happy Birthday Kevin thread (in the main Kings forum). And add your support in the Go Kings thread for good measure!
Six hours til game time.
It's another beautiful day here in the forest but COLD. The sky is brilliant blue and the sunlight is almost blinding. The few remnants of snow have ice crystals glittering like diamonds against the deep green of the pines. The wind is gusting from the north, so it is - as I said - COLD. Inside it's snug and warm, thanks to the woodstove.
I've got my purple slippers, lucky socks, Bibby jersey and Kings "trekkie" shirt ready for tonight's game, along with the Kings blankey. All my totems are in their proper locations, and have not been moved since our game Sunday.
**Commercial break** I do these PBPs for the enjoyment and convenience of our members and guests who cannot see or listen to the game. I can do that because of the unending generosity and dedication of our board owner, Jeremy. If you would like to help defray the costs of keeping Kingsfans.com up and running, please consider becoming a contributing member. You are, of course, under no obligation. For more information about becoming a contributing member, please check the sticked thread at the top of this forum. Thank you! **End Commercial Break**
If you want to talk about the game as it progresses, be sure and check the other game thread started by piksi, and our chat, located at mIRC, server: irc.bludgeon.org, channel #Kingsfans. I ask that people not use THIS thread for game-time discussion as it really stops the flow of the PBP.
As far as our line-up goes, the Bee reported this morning that both Pedja and Chris are starting. Good news for all Kings fans!!!
I have a feeling tonight is going to be another great night for all of us. It's Kevin Martin's birthday and I think a decisive win over the Sonics will be a nice way to celebrate. BTW, be sure and add your greetings to the Happy Birthday Kevin thread (in the main Kings forum). And add your support in the Go Kings thread for good measure!
Six hours til game time.