Kings on DirecTV?

Hello All,

I searched the forum and could not find any information. I was able to view all of the preseason games on DirecTV on channel 656. I went in last night to record the upcoming regular season games and they are not showing up under Tivo. When I look on the DirecTV website it does not show the Kings games on the list of upcoming programs. Did DirecTV or Comcast sports drop the Kings Coverage this week? Sorry if this has already been discussed....


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think they're simply updating the listings or something because DishNetwork doesn't have them either. Perhaps DirecTV is going to announce HD coverage of the games, just like DishNet did... Just a guess, but I wouldn't worry about the coverage being dropped. The contract between the Kings and Comcast Sports runs for a number of years, I believe.
I've been watching for Directv to announce the Comcast HD Kings games. None has shown up yet. They have been rolling out all sorts of national and local hd channels over the last month. So hopefully it will be soon. I'm keeping my Surewest HD around just for the HD games.