[Game] Kings @ Lakers - 2/28/14 - 7:30 pm


Super Moderator Emeritus
There was a time when this thread would have started a day or two ago and we would have all chimed in, exclaiming our hatred for the Lakers. Now, however, it's just another game...and it's a game without DMC.

To add to the general malaise, the weather is horrible in LA and the roads are worse. According to Grant, there is flooding around the Staples Center, meaning the usual late-arriving Laker fans will either say forget it or not show up until the 3rd quarter or so.

I'm wondering at what point Jack Nicholson will simply throw up his hands and find something/anything else to do on game night. Watching his Lakers battle the Kings for last place just doesn't sound like something I'd go out into a storm to see.

But what can we do? We're Kings fans. I'm not sure how many of us will participate in the game thread, or how many will stick it out to the end. Without DMC, it just seems like an exercise in futility. But again, we're Kings fans. Futility is an old dear friend... ;)

And now, as tradition requires:

What's going on with nick young, hopefully nothing tankish.
Two proud franchises that used to compete for the pacific division now going head to head for an impact draft prospect this season.
Just want to see our youth well. Want to notice DWill on the floor. Not sure I understand acy not playing given where we are and the future
Hope BMac has a breakout game, IT continues his good play from the last few games (aside from the HOU match where just about everyone was bad), and Rudy is efficient. That's all I need and I'll be satisfied tonight.

Meaning I may not be satisified tonight.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I work about 2 miles away from Staples Center and we just got more rain in an hour than in the last 5 years combined. Seems to have settled down by now though there's another storm expected to roll in around 7pm. Could get pretty hairy. I'm not planning to drive anywhere tonight anyway. It should be a nice quiet (albeit wet) evening to BEAT THE LAKERS!


Hall of Famer
What's going on with nick young, hopefully nothing tankish.
Two proud franchises that used to compete for the pacific division now going head to head for an impact draft prospect this season.
Just want to see our youth well. Want to notice DWill on the floor. Not sure I understand acy not playing given where we are and the future
Acy is not playing?? Are you sure? This is what confuses me as the end of the season was to develop the young guys.
Acy is not playing?? Are you sure? This is what confuses me as the end of the season was to develop the young guys.
Actually, I might be on the flip side here. Think Evans on-floor presence is more important than ever for us to show our guys how a true professional should act when he's on the floor. Not that Acy doesn't, but Evans brings the experience of a "vet" also.
As I posted in another thread, first guy on the court was Reggie Evans.

Although the video I posted shows Reggie Evans is indeed a veteran of many things on the basketball court.
Acy is not playing?? Are you sure? This is what confuses me as the end of the season was to develop the young guys.
It looks like it's turned into more a of "trial tryout period". Where if they already know what a guy can bring on a consistent basis, like Quincy Acy, they'll open up more time for other guys to show what they can do for this team...Reggie Evans, Orlando Johnson, Ray McCallum
What's going on with nick young, hopefully nothing tankish.
i think he has a very similar injury as Kobe's injury.

As for the game, it just isn't the same playing the Lakers anymore, especially without Kobe. it's almost like i feel sorry for them. i definitely hate the Clippers a lot more than the Lakers right now
The rivalry just doesn't have that feel any more. This current Laker squad is a far cry from the one that caused us all to hate the Lakers so much.

but i'm sure the insane hatred for the Lakers will all come back soon when they inevitably get the #1 draft pick this year and then sign some big name free agents (Kevin Love and Russel Westbrook come to mind) and make some unfair trades and are right back at the top of the West :mad:
Rudy has been playing well but I'd prefer not to see anything out of the rhythm of team offense. I don't even want to worry about it
As another user said its kind of odd supporting a free agent because the better they do the more leverage they have against you in free agency


Hall of Famer
One thing I will find interesting what with the zero tolerance people and the "we can't have that kind of stuff around here" people and their solutions: Boogie won't play. Let's see how it works out. The Lakers are bad and they are crippled. There is also strife between Gasol and d'Antoni. They are a mess. This is a very winnable game.
by the way, for those who have not seen Kendall Marshall play yet, watch the way he passes the ball tonight, it is a thing of beauty. I would love if the Kings had a PG that had those type of passing skills and looked to pass


Super Moderator Emeritus
AFAIC, Kings/lakers will never be "just another game."
I'm being honest. I cannot even pretend to draw on the same deep emotions about the game tonight that I had for so long. It's still the hated Lakers and I still want us to win but I don't find myself going to the extent I once did to get ready to watch the game BECAUSE it's the Kings-Lakers. Of course, it could just be that I've gotten old, too. ;)
Why does it seem like we always are missing players when we play the Lakers. I feel like Boogie missed a Laker game with a suspension last year too. i remember Tyreke getting ejected in LA in his last game of his rookie season


Hall of Famer
I hope we run their asses right out of the gym, their own gym, front and center right in front of all their prissy, wanna-be celeb, late-showing, bandwagon, groupie fans(with all due respect, Jack), and much if that is strictly because they are the Lakers.

Hate 'em.

I revel in their demise.