Jeffferson out for the season

HndsmCelt said:
Well Jersey's play off hopes dropped from slim to none. Did any one see the play where Jefferson claims Bilups hurt him?
I saw that play, but i didnt think it was a cheap shot. This stinks, he is in one of my fantasy teams! :mad:
I do think it was a bit cheap. If he wanted to foul Jefferson then wrap him up and foul him. You protect him and you still get the foul. Instead Jefferson gets undercut and is out for the year.
RJ has been an ironman his whole career, now they trade for Vince and RJ goes down for the season. Hmmm... Curse of Vinsanity maybe?
I have him, or should I say HAD him on one of my fantasy teams, the apparently cursed one, that has Crawford, Kirlenko and other guys I had to drop due to injury. Needless to say, I am not doing well in that league. I'm thinking I should mount an all out assault on procuring players from any team I consider to be a threat to the Kings.
Practiced with the team, I believe (although I didn't drop him from that cursed team, so he will probably turn an ankle on the way to the team bus for the next game)
Ok I watched the play again (and again and again...thanks Sportscenter!), and the more I watch it the less dirty I think it actually was. Billups looks like he tried to pull back and get out of the way, but couldn't stop.

RJ got hurt unfortunately, but I guess thats one of the risks one takes playing ball.