Did I miss something where we can't build around both? What in the heck is with the Fox trade talk?
Exactly my point too. It's more efficient and effective to build around 2 elite players.
With the regards to Domas - many times I chuckle and funny smile appears on my face. "Stat padder on an irrelevant team", "Some offense (just because he has ball all the time in his hands) and crappy defense" - usual narrative from the most talking non Sacrament heads or youtubers, ESPN blabbers. Best one about Domas. Last season, I don't remember what team Kings play, though it was not an elite one. It was a game mid-season on the road. All game long, home team announcers were working hard on a narrative how "Kings players just shy away from the defensive rebound, letting ball just to drop into Domas hands". I think a developed slight diarrhea in the second half. Can announcers watch the game, see what's going on on the floor and talk about it? How Domas, surrounded by 3 guys in the paint, manages to get offensive rebound? I guess defenders helped Domas to pat his stats. Just let the ball drop into his hands. Oh, and the reffs whistle

"Domas is just a brute, throwing his body around..." Yeah, right

Domas body is "around" cause he is being pushed, showed, hacked and whacked, tripped and held. With couple reffs couple feet away watching it closely

Kings are in the West. Before that, Domas was with the Pacers. He was unanimously untradeable guy by majority of the fans and guys in the organization,.... till Rick Carlisle showed up. Carlisle is an ultimate tactician. He was the HC for the Pacers when Lithuanian Šarūnas Jaskevičius was with them. Šaras picked the wrong team for his NBA short lived stint. He was scouted heavily by the Cavs with the LBJ and had a contract offer, but, for whatever reason, Šaras mindset was hard set: "I will never be with Žydrūnas Ilgauskas on the same team". BTW, Big Z is Šaras best friend. Go figure
Anyway, we have small leak about inner workings of NBA, NBA teams and what's not once in a while. To the LTU media Šaras once said: "Man, our HC Rick Carlisle calls every play". Domas and Carlisle were like water and oil - can't co-exist. Domas end-up with the Kings ("Biggest malpractice of the NBA team in the history" by empty talking heads) while huge majority of the Pacers fans had their eyes wet with bloody tears. At the end of the day - trade was good for both teams. Hali is good, but Domas is different. Hali has games off (0 points, 0-7 from the distance). Domas has a game off only when is not in the Kings jersey in the Arena.
Pacers are in the East, Kings - in the West, surrounded by rich, spoiled NBA darlings. Jeeez, Lakers, LBJ and Davis are alone enough to make my eyes puke. Luka (very good, but very whiny), good dozen others like that.
Ok Domas, I have a plan for you. This week - elevate your numbers and claim second "player of the week" award in the West in row. Timing is right