personally i think the 9ers would be stupid not to take Rodgers.
Now, I'm an extreme Cal fan to the max, so maybe I'm just being a homer, but Rodgers has pro-style exp, great skill, good speed, a unique/very quick release, the brains to run a complex nfl offense, AND hes from norcal, so there are alot of ticket sales to be sold with him, becuase extreme cal fans who arent especially affiliated with an nfl team will wanna see aaron, the guy who brought cal to a very high ranking this last ncaaf year. Also, there are alot of friends, relatives, and other ppl who wouldl ike to see Aaron play on a weekly mayb im stupid when it comes to this point, but i think aaron is deffinetly the choice to make (especially cuz Smith is a running QB with little exp in a 9ers style of O, and the lsat time a running qb came into town, that dint turn out too well...thats not to say running qbs rnt good in SF, but...history, especially recent, can indicate)
ok, ive gone on long enough now, and no one is gonna look at this anyway so...jolly good nfl draft day to you...and dont forget the nba playoffs!(GO KINGS!!!)