48 minutes of swarthy bearded Lithuanian Giants

Domas 6 fouls, JV 4 or 5??? Doesn't matter. Point is - they both don't need to kiss reffs arses and plead not to call a foul.
Another funny thing. In Lithuania, basketball federation or people, I don't know exactly how things are now, nominate "The best national basketball player of the year"'. For many years it was JV, lately it was Domas. JV for Domas is a "big brother". And you know, in the family, between the brothers, there is always plenty of competition. "Anything you do - I can do better".
Guys, JV is 32 years old. Does he play like a bench player? Talking heads were blabbering about "rim protection". JV protects the paint :)
Shows the levels there are in the NBA. Alex Len was a perfectly fine end of bench/emergency big, but Jval is a starting level talent that we have the luxury of bringing off the bench. And he hasn't even gotten going with his offense yet. Screens are devastating, he's been much better as a rim protector than expected over the last few games. Just gives you a level of size and physicality the Kings haven't had in a long time+tremendous offensive skill.
Shows the levels there are in the NBA. Alex Len was a perfectly fine end of bench/emergency big, but Jval is a starting level talent that we have the luxury of bringing off the bench. And he hasn't even gotten going with his offense yet. Screens are devastating, he's been much better as a rim protector than expected over the last few games. Just gives you a level of size and physicality the Kings haven't had in a long time+tremendous offensive skill.
Pels were dumb to let him go. If he were still on the Pels that game ends differently.