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  1. Light it up

    Kings after Ingram

    Interesting. I actually think adding BI makes us a contender.
  2. Light it up

    Kings after Ingram

    No doubt Ingram is more talented. But Kuzma more realistic.Hence why now we are hearing NO wants a third team cuz Sac doesn’t have what it takes on our own.
  3. Light it up

    Kings after Ingram

    Hard to see anyone saying no to that.
  4. Light it up

    Kings after Ingram

    23 mil for KK is that bad. It’s basically what HB makes and KK is an upgrade from HB
  5. Light it up

    Kings after Ingram

    Nobody is saying KK is more appealing, just more realistic and those rumors came first. Most likely Washington wanted more so Monte moved on to Ingram even if we don’t have enough to get him but word gets out we are trying making Washington realize whatever our KK offer was is take it or leave it.
  6. Light it up

    Kings after Ingram

    That’s kinda what I’m think. Not sure we have enough to get Ingram hence NO wanting a third team involved.
  7. Light it up

    Kings after Ingram

    True but I do believe the Kuzma rumors as Monte has been after him in the past and getting him was nearly a done deal, even Kuzma thought he was headed to sac.
  8. Light it up

    Kings after Ingram

    I also wonder if this info was leaked to put pressure on Washington as far as Kuzma goes. We were linked to trade rumors with Kuzma like 4 days ago and then it went quiet.
  9. Light it up


    Talk of firing Brown is silly. This team did what they were supposed to do as constructed especially missing Monk. Does anyone really think we are better than any of the other teams in the playoffs in the West?? Only so much a coach can do. This is on Monte. Monte punted this season and we...
  10. Light it up

    Play-in games discussion

    Not having Monk sucks but I like our chances to beat GS in a 1 game series. Wiggins has been average at best this year, kuminga been terrible since the injury, Looney destroyed Sabonis defensively last year but GS barely plays him now, GS has been leaning on TJD and Podz more this year but how...
  11. Light it up


    Idk about 8 mil per for Lyles. How many other teams were offering him that?? I doubt there were any. Feels like we outbid ourselves.