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  1. R

    My favorite King is

    I had to go with my guy, Francisco Garcia...just for old-time's sake.
  2. R

    For LondonKing (Oct. 12)

    Happy birthday!
  3. R

    A Cautionary Tale (Part 1)

    long time lurker. didn't think this would be how i started posting. so anyone who complains about ticket prices isn't a real fan? bummer. i guess i'm not a real fan anymore because the prices are horrible. if it wasn't for season ticket holders, teams wouldn't survive. the maloofs gave us...
  4. R

    We may need another trade.

    So, you think a single trade will change the PHILOSOPHY of this team? Change the athleticism factor etc? Hmm, interesting, must be quite the blockbuster. 5 team deal bringing Garnett, Bryant, James etc here for pocket change?