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  1. J

    [Grades] Grades v. Wizards 2/9/2014

    This was the first time I had seen the Kings play in person, Cousins just looked lazy out there. Seemed as if he didn't feel like playing basketball tonight. Nice flashes from BMac. I'm not sure if he'll ever get the ball handling to where it needs to be.
  2. J

    My Stupid Idea for Salvaging the Off-Season

    I am on board 100% with this move.
  3. J

    Who's your favorite Kings player of all time?

    Between White Chocolate and Bobby Jackson.
  4. J

    Nets want Cousins

    He's experienced and doesn't mind sharing... Talking about on the court ofcourse
  5. J

    Nets want Cousins

    Yeah you're right. Just hope he matures and reaches our expectations.
  6. J

    Nets want Cousins

    Now back to the pg issue. How about Delonte West?
  7. J

    Nets want Cousins

    I was wrong about Cousins. We need him. We need a lot of things but we can't afford to lose him.
  8. J

    Nets want Cousins

    I feel like Cousins is like the Terrrell Owens of the Kings. I like Tyreke but i'm beginning to lose hope in him as well.
  9. J

    Nets want Cousins

    Why does it matter when I joined? Our best player is MT.
  10. J

    Nets want Cousins

    Still not sold that he can be on the level of those players you named. Would love for him to prove me wrong but don't think it will happen. Only time will tell I guess.
  11. J

    Nets want Cousins

    It isn't going to change too much. Still without a pg to set up Cousins.
  12. J

    Nets want Cousins

    Alright so you fire Paul and then what?
  13. J

    Nets want Cousins

    First off, Durant has already proven his worth. Cousins hasn't and won't until we have a true pg. We can fire Paul but it won't change the fact that we have a scoring sg running the offense.
  14. J

    Nets want Cousins

    That is exactly what I was saying. He doesn't fit out system. Our system isn't going to change anytime soon so I don't think we will ever see what he could be.
  15. J

    Nets want Cousins

    That's just posting news I heard and sharing my opinion. Can someone explain what is so special about Cousins?
  16. J

    Nets want Cousins

    All I'm saying is we are making a mistake by keeping him. He is only going to be good if we have a true pg to make him better. We don't so he will remain average. Cousins is one of the problems on our team and his immaturity is something that the kings don't need right now.
  17. J

    Nets want Cousins

    I feel like he is always going to be a problem.
  18. J

    Nets want Cousins

    According to ESPN the Nets want Cousins. I think we should get rid of him. Was never a fan of his.