Not tiresome to me. The team is in the midst of an overhaul, and everybody wants to demand accountability before one minute has been played on the floor. It is crazy. There are actually people who don't think Tyreke was "all that". Most of the outrage seems based on the premise that Tyreke was ALL THAT and letting him go was an epic botch. But I don't see how anybody in their right mind can deny Vivek the prerogative to build the kind of team he wants, even if it is smallball, nellieball, or whatever else. This front office didn't want Tyreke!!! That's it end of discussion. This front office prefers Monta to Tyreke!!! Hold your breath till you turn blue, boycott, cuss out PDA... have a ball. The team is being overhauled top to bottom, apparently sparing DMC. The mean spirited insults hurled at PDA are disappointing. Frankly, I don't believe the elite core of know-it-alls have better NBA acumen than Vivek and Pete, no matter what your post count. I think reasonable people can disagree, but the tone of the attacks on PDA is not one of mutual respect and disagreement on approach or style. They are blistering attacks, calling the guy an idiot. I find it appalling.