So, the oe or œ is often the equivalent of the German ö, an additional letter in their alphabet. For pronunciation reference, schön would be a common word you could pop into Google translate or the equivalent and hear. The native sound is probably much more subtle than what an English speaker would be comfortable with, but “Purtle” is closest/easiest in this case.
That Poetl shot is a perfect example right behind the D. The Kings are playing middle not to stop mid range offense but penetration when they aren't even tying to penetrate.
Absolutely. Offensive players initiate contact ALL the time and get the foul calls. I think that *should* be an offensive foul. But that's not how that's ever called.
Absolutely. Offensive players initiate contact ALL the time and get the foul calls. I think that *should* be an offensive foul. But that's not how that's ever called.
I'm sure after that challenge they aren't happy, haha. Part of the reason is the Kings are giving them the mid range off pick and roll and Poeltl is behind the defense before they even know it. I expect that to change. He possibly can pull it off but I'd force Pop to find out of Poeltl can beat the Kings up in the post all by himself off the switch. Dangle it like a carrot. If he punishes the Kings then figure it out from there.