[Game] Game 30: Sacramento Kings vs. NY Knicks, 12/27/14. 7PM PST, 10PM EST


Super Moderator Emeritus
I am a fair bit concerned to be honest. At the end of regulation, Rudy waved off Cousins for the screen and Cuz was just shaking his head and was visibly upset that Rudy was going to iso to close it out. I don't know how you miss that. Cousin's body language is just all over the place. Fired up, depressed, angry, excited. Just concerning. Yes, he does want to win I understand, but look closer. There is something else there.
Of course there's something else there. A coach who was respected by the whole team was fired because the front office wanted a different style. A coach who had Cousins' respect was fired and Cousins isn't buying the ridiculous "style" argument any more than the rest of us.

DMC is angry as hell because he knows the guys are being screwed over and not being allowed to play the kind of game they were played THAT GOT WINS before Demarcus got sick. DMC and Rudy will be fine, but the front office damned well better listen to their franchise player and quit ****ing around.
I am a fair bit concerned to be honest. At the end of regulation, Rudy waved off Cousins for the screen and Cuz was just shaking his head and was visibly upset that Rudy was going to iso to close it out. I don't know how you miss that. Cousin's body language is just all over the place. Fired up, depressed, angry, excited. Just concerning. Yes, he does want to win I understand, but look closer. There is something else there.
I write it off to getting caught up in the match up against Mello. Rudy is a competitor but he is also a team player (at least with DMC)
I am a fair bit concerned to be honest. At the end of regulation, Rudy waved off Cousins for the screen and Cuz was just shaking his head and was visibly upset that Rudy was going to iso to close it out. I don't know how you miss that. Cousin's body language is just all over the place. Fired up, depressed, angry, excited. Just concerning. Yes, he does want to win I understand, but look closer. There is something else there.
Hes frustrated . I would be too. He works his ass off every night and has to deal with all of this bs. Pda and Vivek are complete morons
That was the most embarrassing win I can ever remember watching. I'm not satisfied. I'm not entertained. I'm not left wanting more.

Absolute garbage that NEEDS to be remedied.

I don't blame Cousins for getting closer and closer to exploding with that **** that's going on around him.
I was actually pulling for us to lose. That way, change was going to HAVE to happen. Came damn close to losing anyway. Shout out to Cuz for speaking the truth. Hear the Vivek? Boogie man is coming for you.
I am a fair bit concerned to be honest. At the end of regulation, Rudy waved off Cousins for the screen and Cuz was just shaking his head and was visibly upset that Rudy was going to iso to close it out. I don't know how you miss that. Cousin's body language is just all over the place. Fired up, depressed, angry, excited. Just concerning. Yes, he does want to win I understand, but look closer. There is something else there.
This isn't the first time Cousins has shown frustration with Rudy. Tonight was as obvious as its ever been.

This is DMC's team, not Rudy's. I can guarantee DMC is the ONLY reason George Karl has shown interested. Not only is Cousins the best on the team in the post, he's also our best shooter, passer and has the highest basketball IQ. Give up the rock Rudy, you are not Kevin Durrant.
Of course there's something else there. A coach who was respected by the whole team was fired because the front office wanted a different style. A coach who had Cousins' respect was fired and Cousins isn't buying the ridiculous "style" argument any more than the rest of us.

DMC is angry as hell because he knows the guys are being screwed over and not being allowed to play the kind of game they were played THAT GOT WINS before Demarcus got sick. DMC and Rudy will be fine, but the front office damned well better listen to their franchise player and quit ****ing around.
Agreed. You don't need to sell me on that. Only question remains is Mr. High and Proud aka Vivek aka Clueless going to allow the changes that should and need to happen? If he thinks this is entertaining, then I question his intelligence. If I had a twitter, I would be sending tweets every 10 seconds.
PDA and Vivek are cancers. Nerds who are more concerned with being tycoons than running a winning franchise(winning = $ btw no matter how you play). Love watching the team when Cuz and everyone is healthy until you realize who is running the team. Just depressing stuff.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ron Loutzenhiser ‏@rloutz 9m9 minutes ago
@Vivek @Pdoro @amiller @cgkings Is this NBA 3.0? Allowing season high in OT game to 5-win team? Where is the D??? Get @CoachKarl22 now!!
ALL Kings fans who are on Twitter need to make similar tweets. Flood their damned accounts. Follow me, follow Carmichael Dave, follow Mike Tavares, follow Dave Lack, follow KingsGirlMelanie, follow Kayte Christiansen, follow Ron Loutzenhizer, follow Stephen Tetsu. Retweet every comment about George Karl that you see.


The front office is totally blown away with the amount of flak they're getting. Increase it; Remind them they told us this is our team and we want George Karl and no more stupid "style" decisions.
I think Cousins scored 18 or 20 points from the 5 minutes mark in the 4th quarter to end of OT. Just a beast.
Are Cousins handles better than Anthony Davis? Not that they necessarily need to be as a center vs. power forward but it seems Big Cuz is actually better when he needs to be.
Setting the pace? Yes you may have scored 39, but the other team has scored 37, so what exactly is there to be proud of? Be of no use to fire him, it's all Vivek anyway.
Quoting Steve Kerr -
John Dickinson @JDJohnDickinson
"I think our team has a tendency to want to put on a show rather than just make the right play." Added #Warriors are a team w/"bad habits."

If Vivek & Co want to be the warriors, maybe they should focus on "just making the right play", instead of trying to put on a show
Are Cousins handles better than Anthony Davis? Not that they necessarily need to be as a center vs. power forward but it seems Big Cuz is actually better when he needs to be.
For a big, handles aren't completely essential. Being able to drive helps tremendously, but most of these guys are so big that they can pick up their dribble at the free throw line and make it to the hoop in 1 or 2 strides no problem. I haven't seen Davis handle the ball so I really don't know the answer.
Truly feel very sorry for Corbin right now. He is so stuck in the middle. I think he'll be very grateful when ANYBODY takes his place.
Yeah I don't get the feeling watching that post game interview that Corbin was really expecting to be the head coach of this team. Especially since he was a Malone guy not a PDA guy. I suspect he is following orders and playing the way the FO wants the team to play, but the results are not good. That game was a NON LOSS. Not a win. Just because Big Cuz goes BEASTMODE on the pathetic Knicks front line does not mean that this was a good win. The defense was reprehensible. The team needs better leadership !

WHY in GAWDS NAME has George Karl not signed a contract with the Kings yet ? He is a PERFECT fit ! This team wants to win Vivek !! Hire a coach to lead this team ! Corbin is a chair warmer. He has no coaching ability. Get KARL ! He will coach this team up and they will win. If PDA aint ok with it then it's time for him to move on. Fans are getting VERY FRUSTRATED. This aint gonna just go away. Even when the team wins the fans are going to be upset. They see no coaching and no cohesion in this team. The Knicks are GAWDAWFUL and they took the Kings to OT?? If they would have lost this game I am CERTAIN the booing would commence. You made a bad mistake by firing a popular coach in Malone. Don't continue to compound that mistake by letting this team flounder without an NBA Caliber coach to lead them. You kept saying to the Fans " This is your team" Well we want OUR TEAM to be lead by a REAL COACH !
This is the type of **** I could see leading to me retiring my Kings colors for good.

I've been through a lot with this team. Far more bad than good. I can put up with a lot of BS but this crap might be the last straw as it's the type of crap which will see us lose Cuz and never be truly competitive.

BTW, it seems like PDA is taunting the fanbase. He knows damn well people are sick of the "pace" BS. This weasel needs to hit the curb.
This is the type of **** I could see leading to me retiring my Kings colors for good.

I've been through a lot with this team. Far more bad than good. I can put up with a lot of BS but this crap might be the last straw as it's the type of crap which will see us lose Cuz and never be truly competitive.

BTW, it seems like PDA is taunting the fanbase. He knows damn well people are sick of the "pace" BS. This weasel needs to hit the curb.
To be fair, I'm pretty sure that tweet was from mid November.
Yeah I don't get the feeling watching that post game interview that Corbin was really expecting to be the head coach of this team. Especially since he was a Malone guy not a PDA guy. I suspect he is following orders and playing the way the FO wants the team to play, but the results are not good. That game was a NON LOSS. Not a win. Just because Big Cuz goes BEASTMODE on the pathetic Knicks front line does not mean that this was a good win. The defense was reprehensible. The team needs better leadership !

WHY in GAWDS NAME has George Karl not signed a contract with the Kings yet ? He is a PERFECT fit ! This team wants to win Vivek !! Hire a coach to lead this team ! Corbin is a chair warmer. He has no coaching ability. Get KARL ! He will coach this team up and they will win. If PDA aint ok with it then it's time for him to move on. Fans are getting VERY FRUSTRATED. This aint gonna just go away. Even when the team wins the fans are going to be upset. They see no coaching and no cohesion in this team. If they would have lost this game I am CERTAIN the booing would commence. You made a bad mistake by firing a popular coach in Malone. Don't continue to compound that mistake by letting this team flounder without an NBA Caliber coach to lead them. You kept saying to the Fans " This is your team" Well we want OUR TEAM to be lead by a REAL COACH !
Corbin is a serviceable coach, but he is not coaching this team right now. PDA, Vivek and Mullin are the ones pulling the strings, Cousins's postgame interview was clearly a cry for help. #SaveourKings