Race for ROY - revised title

I thought Evans was going to be the clear front runna for ROY but Jennings has amazed me..The dude is a great player already.. There could definitley be a cuple superstars in this years draft..

That being said I would still rather have Evans over Jennings for his size and defense. Hes one of the best rookie defenders I have seen in a long time.
Hmm...that may be taking it a bit far.

I would agree with the general point that he is a PG rather than a volume shoter, but Bogut's numebrs are pretty much the same as they have been the alst couple of years, and everyone else on that team has struggled. Of course everyone else sucks, so it could just be that. But Redd struggled before going down with the injury (13pts 32% shooting) , Warrick is the #3 scorer at 10.4pts on .422 shooting. Ignoring Ridnour, who is of course Jennings' backup and doesn't play with him, the rest of the rotation guys have all struggled, Ilyasova is shooting .396, Bell .378, Meeks .351, Delfino .324, Mbah a Moute .325. To the degree they are winning over there, its really been with defense.
Those are some awful shooting numbers I have to concede that point. So I have to fall back on what I have seen from the couple of times I have watched the Bucks play this year. Jennings is running with a bunch of scrubs, Bogut excluded, and still finding a way to be far more productive on offense then anyone though they would be. A lot of that as you pointed out has to do with his own offensive ability rather than his ability as a distributor, but he has single handily made that team dangerous on the break. He has also added something the Bucks haven't had in years, which is the the ability to put pressure on defenses with his penetrating ability. From what I have seen he does a good job of finding players when the help defense comes his way. He understands where the pressure is coming from and finds the open guy. Bogut and him play off each other really well. Bogut is having the best year of his career thus far offensively, although its still early. Maybe its a little to early to have this debate, throwing out Redd's numbers through 2 games isn't really fair, and maybe I overstated things a bit. The point I was trying to make is Jennings impacts the game in more ways then scoring. Thats where he seperates himself from a guy like AI. When I watch him play I see a pg, maybe a shoot first pg but still a playmaker rather then just a scorer.
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Hmm...that may be taking it a bit far.

I would agree with the general point that he is a PG rather than a volume shoter, but Bogut's numebrs are pretty much the same as they have been the alst couple of years, and everyone else on that team has struggled. Of course everyone else sucks, so it could just be that. But Redd struggled before going down with the injury (13pts 32% shooting) , Warrick is the #3 scorer at 10.4pts on .422 shooting. Ignoring Ridnour, who is of course Jennings' backup and doesn't play with him, the rest of the rotation guys have all struggled, Ilyasova is shooting .396, Bell .378, Meeks .351, Delfino .324, Mbah a Moute .325. To the degree they are winning over there, its really been with defense.

I think he is more like Marbury then AI. I hope he turns out better mentally though because the talent is there.
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I still think Jennings has question marks about his attitude and IQ, but it certainly hasn't hindered the way he played like I thought it would. I have to admit that I was wrong about him to a certain extent, it's becoming clear that he has made a ton of strides in his game.
I'm not sure about that. The guy seems to be very competitive and doing well at sharing the ball. His attitude and basketball IQ looking good from my perspective. I think he has more chance of winning the ROY than Tyreke.

Here's a quote from him after the lost to Dallas.

''I wanted the ball at the last second,'' Jennings said. ''I didn't know Ersan's man had doubled me. When I looked back at the tape I saw he was wide open for the jump shot. It's something I'm going to learn from. It's a long season.''

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketball/nba/gameflash/2009/11/16/27078_recap.html#ixzz0X83jB0FU
Jennings is far ahead in stats and mindshare right now. If Evans could dunk in traffic, he would be able to catch up. That may sound silly, but thats part of the NBA business. It is partly why a guy like Gilbert Arenas always plays second fiddle in recognition to other guys who put up the same stats as him.


jennings is definitely in the lead right now for ROY... doesnt mean he'll win it unless he takes the bucks to the playoffs... so far so good. i agree with swisshh, if evans could dunk in traffic he would have a better chance at winning it. unless he puts up a couple months of triple doubles or something... jennings is a straight baller... knicks fans must be pissed.
On ESPN, there is a poll for who would you most like to build your franchise around with guys like Danny Granger, Chris Bosh, and Joe Johnson and somehow Jennings is in first. :eek: He is looking very good so far, but it is absurd putting him above established close to superstar players. He looks to be a bit overhyped IMO.
On ESPN, there is a poll for who would you most like to build your franchise around with guys like Danny Granger, Chris Bosh, and Joe Johnson and somehow Jennings is in first. :eek: He is looking very good so far, but it is absurd putting him above established close to superstar players. He looks to be a bit overhyped IMO.
I suppose the argument could be made that the other guys have hardly shown to be go to guys on contending teams (unless you count the Hawks this season).


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
On ESPN, there is a poll for who would you most like to build your franchise around with guys like Danny Granger, Chris Bosh, and Joe Johnson and somehow Jennings is in first. :eek: He is looking very good so far, but it is absurd putting him above established close to superstar players. He looks to be a bit overhyped IMO.
Eh, he's the flavor of the week. Ranking him above those guys after however many games is a little silly. Especially the way Granger, Bosh, and Johnson have been lighting it up right now.
Trust me, Jennings will end up being nothing more then a Nick Van Excel type of player. Tyreke is bigger, stronger and plays better D.

:rolleyes:, Honestly IMHO Jennings is not overhyped, he wasn't overhyped coming out of high school either, this kid has the attitude AND the talent to become a superstar in this league. If it were just one game I would agree, but this kid has preforming night in and night out and he is what makes this Bucks team fun to watch. The only thing I see is in his way is his turnover problem and his desicion making.
:rolleyes:, Honestly IMHO Jennings is not overhyped, he wasn't overhyped coming out of high school either, this kid has the attitude AND the talent to become a superstar in this league. If it were just one game I would agree, but this kid has preforming night in and night out and he is what makes this Bucks team fun to watch. The only thing I see is in his way is his turnover problem and his desicion making.

however, call me on this, Jennings = Starbury's rebirth..
jennings is definitely in the lead right now for ROY... doesnt mean he'll win it unless he takes the bucks to the playoffs... so far so good. i agree with swisshh, if evans could dunk in traffic he would have a better chance at winning it. unless he puts up a couple months of triple doubles or something... jennings is a straight baller... knicks fans must be pissed.
They should be getting used to it after countless drafts...

however, call me on this, Jennings = Starbury's rebirth..
You know what, talent wise I would have to agree with you on this, although Starbury never reached his full potential I think he would have been an amazing player. But he was a grade A nutcase even moreso then Artest and from what I seen so far I don't think Jennings will lose his mind like Starbury.
Brandon Jennings = Emeka Okafor

Tyreke Evans = Dwight Howard

Who would you rather have?

In two to three years Jennings will be an elite guard.

In the meantime Evans will become a match up nightmare, punishing all guards in the NBA. He has the potential to be a force of nature.

Reke will bring the Kings closer to the championship. I'll be happy with Reke losing the ROY if that is how it plays out.
I think Jennings is overhyped right now as well. He has been putting up impressive numbers, but the Bucks have had a fairly easy schedule with 6 of their 9 games being at home.
I have no problem ranking Jennings as the #1 rookie right now. I think Evans is the clearcut #2 best rookie. The audacity of ESPN to rank Ty Lawson #2 and Evans #3. That really irked me. The problem is that Jennings will get a ton of recognition for getting 29 points and getting 7 assists while Evans will get NO recognition for also scoring 29 points and getting 7 assists....and grabbing 10 rebounds on the same night. This is really starting to annoy me.
I have no problem ranking Jennings as the #1 rookie right now. I think Evans is the clearcut #2 best rookie. The audacity of ESPN to rank Ty Lawson #2 and Evans #3. That really irked me. The problem is that Jennings will get a ton of recognition for getting 29 points and getting 7 assists while Evans will get NO recognition for also scoring 29 points and getting 7 assists....and grabbing 10 rebounds on the same night. This is really starting to annoy me.
Evans had 10 ast and 7 reb. :cool:


I have no problem ranking Jennings as the #1 rookie right now. I think Evans is the clearcut #2 best rookie. The audacity of ESPN to rank Ty Lawson #2 and Evans #3. That really irked me. The problem is that Jennings will get a ton of recognition for getting 29 points and getting 7 assists while Evans will get NO recognition for also scoring 29 points and getting 7 assists....and grabbing 10 rebounds on the same night. This is really starting to annoy me.
thats because lawsons team is winning... but yeah... jennings is the truth. the bucks are 7-3 without redd and bogut is now injured. jennings is the man right now rookie or not. he is also the youngest rookie to ever score 50 points in a game.