I've PMed moderators before. Sometimes we need to vent about the obvious displeasure with some of the moderation policies here, as the forum is seriously run like a prison. As a former administrator of a forum that was VERY popular in its time, I am literally disgusted by the way this place is run. You DO realize you're forcing MANY users away from posting and contributing, right? KingsFans is considered a joke on other forums I've been to for this very reason.
No dissention of opinion is deleted or punished - far from it, as the mods themselves are frequently in disagreement about the state of the team, opinions on what should be done next, etc. We welcome all opinions as long as they are expressed according to the posting rules. Many of the issues you guys may have run into come from insulting other posters, language, etc., which is not allowed here. If you don't like that, too bad. It isn't changing.
I always get a kick out of the "this forum is a joke" comments. If this place is a joke, why come back? Why are you here if you hate it so much? If you have things to contribute, we'd love to hear it. You want to just observe? Fine. Still glad to have you. You have some serious concerns about this forum? PM them to the board administrator or othe moderators.
We know that lots of you may visit other forums and come here and may not appreciate the difference in environment, however it is that difference in environment, among other things, that keeps most of the folks here coming back.
In general, it all comes down to the overriding rule on posting here, which is "don't be a jerk." That doesn't make this place a prison.