Sabonis Knee Update

Almost perfect news. No long-term damage at this point and seems like there's a pretty good chance we'll shut him down the rest of the year. What would be the point of bringing him back for 4 games? We can win some brownie points too letting him go be with his newborn.

Time for the Jones/Queta platoon.
Excellent news !!!

Now shut down Fox as well and increase those odds !

Even if they were actually trying to make the play-in, Sabonis being out practically destroys those chances imo.

This is truly a great scenario
Do we have the bodies to shut down Barnes too? Maybe if you brought up another G-League guy with the 2-way

Mitchell || Quinn Cook?
DDV || Lamb
Holiday || Jackson
Lyles || Metu
Jones || Queta || Len

Hmm, doesn't really look like it. Barnes would make 12 available on game day, assuming we brought up a G-League ball-handler like Cook, Steward or Coleman. But we have the 3/4 depth to keep him at a reasonable 28-30 MPG.
McNair has missed on his second round picks. Woodard, Ramsey, and I think Queta is trending that way. For an analytics dude, you would think he'd thrive in the second round, picking gems. I'm still pissed he traded second round picks to get rid of Cojo. For Wright, who he traded for Thompson, who became trade fodder. That draft capital could've been used to move up a few slots to pick someone like Herb Jones last year.
McNair has missed on his second round picks. Woodard, Ramsey, and I think Queta is trending that way. For an analytics dude, you would think he'd thrive in the second round, picking gems. I'm still pissed he traded second round picks to get rid of Cojo. For Wright, who he traded for Thompson, who became trade fodder. That draft capital could've been used to move up a few slots to pick someone like Herb Jones last year.
The same Delon Wright, who despite only averaging 4.4ppg, would be 3rd on our team in VORP. I knew he wasn't a real analytics guy when he gave up a player that shoots, rebounds, passes, plays defense and doesn't turn the ball over for the ghost of Tristan Thompson.
McNair has missed on his second round picks. Woodard, Ramsey, and I think Queta is trending that way. For an analytics dude, you would think he'd thrive in the second round, picking gems. I'm still pissed he traded second round picks to get rid of Cojo. For Wright, who he traded for Thompson, who became trade fodder. That draft capital could've been used to move up a few slots to pick someone like Herb Jones last year.
Unlike the Pelicans and Herb Jones, The Kings managed to bury all their 2nd Round picks, its not a McNair problem, its an organization problem that has been going on for a long time... An perfect example of that is what they did to Queta this year, leaving him on the bench for a whole month, it took him 3 games on the GLeague to get back in good playing rhythm, also getting a ton of centers right after drafting him also had no logic.