For some reason? Yes, there is a reason, and I feel my previous posts have made it clear, but I'll explain it again. I am defending Buddy for the same reason that I defended WCS last year and for the same reason that I have defended several other players in the past (on this board and others) and for the same reason that I am certain I will defend yet other players in the future: I have witnessed, time and again on internet boards, the phenomenon of one player - not a blameless player, mind you - being unfairly singled out for levels of scorn that wildly overemphasize the magnitude of the things that player does poorly and wildly undervalue the things that player does well, and then watched that unfair reputation spread like wildfire through the board's fanbase until that player became the single, reviled scapegoat for everything wrong with the team. Unfortunately, this scapegoating phenomenon, though it is lazy, and it is tribalistic, and it is mean-spirited, appears to be a fundamental aspect of human nature. It happens over and over and over again, and it is easy once one sees it to find it in many if not most areas of human interaction and not just in the sporting internet. I, being ever optimistic, for whatever reason try my hardest to get my fellow man to reject the lazy, tribalistic and mean-spirited scapegoating and to be more patient and more circumspect. It doesn't seem to work very often. But still I try.