Kings and free agency - part 4

So if Vlade says we are still looking for a stretch 4 and a 3rd PG

But since Omri and Luc has officially been signed, does that mean those two signings have used up our Cap Space?

If that is the case does that mean we would now still have the Room exception available and the second signing would be a Vet or rookie min contract?

So last question would be would room exception be enough to get a good stretch 4?
Yes, he explicitly said we still have our room exception.
Listened to the Carmichael Dave interview with Vlade from this morning.

Choice Tidbits

-Same thoughts and approach in regards to Cousins/Karl
-Had most of the team together for dinner
-Did pursue Matthews and Bargs, but not Monta Ellis or other rumors. Their FA targets are the guys they signed plus Bargs and Wes basically.
-Sounded like Caron Butler deal was on a personal level. Brought Butler in due to knowing him and wanting him in the locker room.
-Says he's known Rondo and trusts him to use this opportunity.
-Still wants to sign a stretch 4
Listened to the Carmichael Dave interview with Vlade from this morning.

Choice Tidbits

-Same thoughts and approach in regards to Cousins/Karl
-Had most of the team together for dinner
-Did pursue Matthews and Bargs, but not Monta Ellis or other rumors. Their FA targets are the guys they signed plus Bargs and Wes basically.
-Sounded like Caron Butler deal was on a personal level. Brought Butler in due to knowing him and wanting him in the locker room.
-Says he's known Rondo and trusts him to use this opportunity.
-Still wants to sign a stretch 4
So, never talked to Ellis or Harris?

Somehow that's not surprising although those two guys "turning down more money from sacramento" is a large part of the narrative out there.

Wes took more from Dallas of course. So really Bargs is the only one that turned down more money?

Are we supposed to cry about that?


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I'm not surprised about the Tobias Harris rumor being false. That always seemed like it was thrown out there as more of a joke than anything else. Same with the Corey Brewer one. Monta Ellis as a target made more sense when PDA and Mullin were running the show. I think that was another one of those "agents negotiating in public" supposed leaks that we've been bombarded with lately.
Sounds like Bonner is back to the Spurs (Twitter). Thats too bad I was really into the idea of him joining the Kings although it would be rough for him on national kick a ginger day.

I would love to have Hedo back though. I remember back in the Kings prime Shaq called him "brother Hedo" after some hard fought game (maybe Shaq blooded Hedo's nose in that game I don't remember exactly) - he actually got more personal respect from the Lakers than any other King did.
So, never talked to Ellis or Harris?

Somehow that's not surprising although those two guys "turning down more money from sacramento" is a large part of the narrative out there.

Wes took more from Dallas of course. So really Bargs is the only one that turned down more money?

Are we supposed to cry about that?
Pretty much. I follow various NBA twitterflies and have been waiting for any sort of report on this info. Either they don't listen to Dave's show or they don't want to broach the narrative.

I could make a r/nba post stating this info, link to Dave's interview, and create the need for those news folks to report it. That's the funny bit. I could do their job via social networks. I create the news, which Dave and Vlade actually created, and then the news becomes proliferated via twitter, and likely ends up retweeting back to me via some twitterfly stating sources (which is me, which is Dave, which is actually Vlade).
Pretty much. I follow various NBA twitterflies and have been waiting for any sort of report on this info. Either they don't listen to Dave's show or they don't want to broach the narrative.

I could make a r/nba post stating this info, link to Dave's interview, and create the need for those news folks to report it. That's the funny bit. I could do their job via social networks. I create the news, which Dave and Vlade actually created, and then the news becomes proliferated via twitter, and likely ends up retweeting back to me via some twitterfly stating sources (which is me, which is Dave, which is actually Vlade).
I don't speak for everyone, but make that "r/nba post"... I loathe this kind of stuff; tarnishes the game.
I could make a r/nba post stating this info, link to Dave's interview, and create the need for those news folks to report it. That's the funny bit. I could do their job via social networks. I create the news, which Dave and Vlade actually created, and then the news becomes proliferated via twitter, and likely ends up retweeting back to me via some twitterfly stating sources (which is me, which is Dave, which is actually Vlade).
As Nike's slogan suggests, just do it!
I would love to have Hedo back though. I remember back in the Kings prime Shaq called him "brother Hedo" after some hard fought game (maybe Shaq blooded Hedo's nose in that game I don't remember exactly) - he actually got more personal respect from the Lakers than any other King did.
It was actually Webber and the veterans on the Kings that gave him the name "Brother Hedo" because as a rookie with limited English he seemed to address everyone he talked to as "brother." I remember specifically that Hedo's breakout game was against the Lakers and in the post game interview on NBC, Webber said to the effect of: "while I'm happy about the win I'm happier that the whole nation got to know Brother Hedo today"
It was actually Webber and the veterans on the Kings that gave him the name "Brother Hedo" because as a rookie with limited English he seemed to address everyone he talked to as "brother." I remember specifically that Hedo's breakout game was against the Lakers and in the post game interview on NBC, Webber said to the effect of: "while I'm happy about the win I'm happier that the whole nation got to know Brother Hedo today"
I think you're right about all that. But still I think Shaq kinda was into Hedo


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Scott Howard-Cooper‏@SHowardCooper
Latest twist in Kings situation: Jason Levien, assistant GM late in the Maloof era, now an unofficial advisor for Vivek Ranadive.

I forget if we liked him or not, so I'm just posting this tweet to see what people say.

This remains the scary thing with Vivek. At his heart he's an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing. So he's constantly at risk of ****ing up.

Levein was another agent/snake. BTW also one of the guys who dumped Rudy Gay in Memphis, then lost a power struggle against his owner there.
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Scott Howard-Cooper‏@SHowardCooper
Latest twist in Kings situation: Jason Levien, assistant GM late in the Maloof era, now an unofficial advisor for Vivek Ranadive.

I forget if we liked him or not, so I'm just posting this tweet to see what people say.
I think it's a very bad move. There were clashes between he and Petrie, and it was suspected he was undercutting his boss by leaking things to the media. There was more challenges when he left Memphis and there were rumors concerning his character and competency.
Vivek frequently says that he surrounds himself with people smarter than himself. I realize that he built up a billion dollar business and has made a ton of $$ in his life -- but the incompetence he continues to demonstrate with regard to running a professional sports franchise sets that bar awfully low. Hopefully Vlade proves to be A LOT smarter than Vivek and some of the clowns he's hired and fired already.
****ing vivek your a dummy setting us up for a massive fall.

There is minimal positivity amongst your surrounding yourself with people like Levine.

Theres always something with us. 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

Why do you need a god dam advisor anyway ? God dam


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
1) Risky moves like taking on Rondo.

2) Risky moves like trading away future firsts plus useful players to dump bad contracts.
Not to quibble, but Rondo is on a one year deal. Not much of a risk. If he causes any headaches he is an expiring deal that can easily be moved or we send him home and keep the expiring deal for ourselves.

Technically we only traded one future first. I sincerely doubt that the swaps will take place, as I doubt that Philly will be better than us the next couple years. And our future first will likely be in the "bad" half of the first round anyways.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Why does the media do a lot of these bs news (SHC). It's almost like, they're making this up!
SHC is typically VERY good (used to work here in Sacramento at the Bee, and most were very sorry to see him go), so I wonder what he heard to put that out there if indeed there is not any kind of a connection.


Hall of Famer
So does Vivek have a new sniveling, spineless, double dealing, yes-man crony or not?

Hopefully this is proven false, but would not surprise me at all if true.

Vivek, you have Vlade! Chill out! The definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over again and expecting a different result!
Dave's questioning reportedly lead to Levien not being associated with organization. SHC reports its unofficial advisor. That means both these things, given a stretch of interpretation, can be true. Chris Mannix of SI reported that Levien was around the Kings people in Vegas.

Also, Levien was once an agent to both Omri and Hedo. He is currently part of the ownership group for DC United. He was involved in the United getting a new soccer stadium.

So it could be anywhere from Vivek asking him some questions about the NBA to maybe some insight on MLS in regards tot he FC Republic to him just being around and being familiar with members of the Kings.