[Game] Bobcats-Kings - 1/4/14 - 7 p.m. PST


Hall of Famer
Reading comprehension is fundamental. Apparently, it has passed you by. Feel free to continue to root against the guys wearing the uniform of the Sacramento Kings. I dare you to go to Sleep Train and do it.
It is NOT rooting against the Sacramento Kings. It is rooting for the least expensive way of improving this team dramatically. Can you see that? Vivek said not to expect much from this year and we aren't getting anything. I presume he means something good will happen in the future and although I was momentarily blinded and thought we had a team that gave a crap or had a minimum of competence, I am back to looking at what the future can bring just as Vivek is. There is no way that anyone can say that what is happening was not planned even if to some it hurts and to others it makes no sense. It just plain IS.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Question for anyone who watched the Kings broadcast, as I don't know if they showed it on the Charlotte one... who was sitting next to Travis on the bench? I could have sworn it was Hamady.


Hall of Famer
I'd give consistent time to Ray McCallum, so he can have a chance to learn....just like Ben has had the chance. If given the chance I think Ray is capable, but it won't happen anytime soon if he is only given spot garbage minimal time...and then judged on that small afterthought of a sample
He is learning in practice. Isaiah prob goes around him like everbody else


Hall of Famer
Question for anyone who watched the Kings broadcast, as I don't know if they showed it on the Charlotte one... who was sitting next to Travis on the bench? I could have sworn it was Hamady.
He was called back to the Kings after a one day stay in Reno.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It is NOT rooting against the Sacramento Kings. It is rooting for the least expensive way of improving this team dramatically. Can you see that? Vivek said not to expect much from this year and we aren't getting anything. I presume he means something good will happen in the future and although I was momentarily blinded and thought we had a team that gave a poopoo or had a minimum of competence, I am back to looking at what the future can bring just as Vivek is. There is no way that anyone can say that what is happening was not planned even if to some it hurts and to others it makes no sense. It just plain IS.
Oh please.


Hall of Famer
Question for anyone who watched the Kings broadcast, as I don't know if they showed it on the Charlotte one... who was sitting next to Travis on the bench? I could have sworn it was Hamady.
Yeah I saw that and assumed hamady. Maybe he isn't leaving til tomorrow???
I feel this was a bad showing by the team. The way they handled themselves was the same old Kings of before. As of now, the culture change is very minimal.
So DMC is going to be the future, we know that. We need a PG who can see the court and can make plays happen, as well as shoot the 3. Obviously the players they have don't complement each other nor do they like each other and the result is hero mode shooting and no help on D. So a few players will probably need to go I'm guessing


Hall of Famer
It is NOT rooting against the Sacramento Kings. It is rooting for the least expensive way of improving this team dramatically. Can you see that? Vivek said not to expect much from this year and we aren't getting anything. I presume he means something good will happen in the future and although I was momentarily blinded and thought we had a team that gave a poopoo or had a minimum of competence, I am back to looking at what the future can bring just as Vivek is. There is no way that anyone can say that what is happening was not planned even if to some it hurts and to others it makes no sense. It just plain IS.
I would have agreed with that until they made two trades at an attempt to obviously get better right now and are still active on the phones for trades. Vivek said that before season. You are assuming Vivek and the front office minds didn't change.
I feel this was a bad showing by the team. The way they handled themselves was the same old Kings of before. As of now, the culture change is very minimal.
A couple more player changes will help continue the move for a culture change on the court. There's a couple guys holding this back


Hall of Famer
Let Ben just learn in practice too, then. What's your point? They will make mistakes in practice and games and everywhere
Ben is better. No need to explain more. Before you have this great reply saying that Ben isn't that good or he sucks. My response will be that if Ben is playing and is that bad then ray must be awful
Cheap personal shot? Nope. I'm addressing the persona Bosnian Diehard.

Prevailing opinion is that the upcoming draft is very deep, an opinion I shared with my comment that:

I stand by my comments. And I repeat my challenge for you to go to Sleep Train and root for the Kings to lose.

It's clear at this point neither of us will change our opinions so I'll bow out, forever puzzled about how someone can use a game thread to root against the team they profess to care about.
I don't root for us to lose, I hope we lose against the Trail Blazers. One game. That's it.


Hall of Famer
I don't root for us to lose, I hope we lose against the Trail Blazers. One game. That's it.
I can honestly say that in the last 7 years. Through all the coaches and crap players not once not 1 single solitary time have I ever hoped for the Kings to lose. This is the only team I watch with any care. If the day comes IF that day ever comes that I am sitting and watching and I am hoping we lose. I will turn off the TV and cancel league pass because what's the point after that moment.

If every single year the top 5 in the draft were future hall of famers or we never made the wrong pick I would still want MY team to win.
So DMC is going to be the future, we know that. We need a PG who can see the court and can make plays happen, as well as shoot the 3. Obviously the players they have don't complement each other nor do they like each other and the result is hero mode shooting and no help on D. So a few players will probably need to go I'm guessing
I agree. I think we need more of a defensive pass first pg. It should have been Kendall Marshall or Erick Bledsoe, but oh well. Isaiah is the best bench PG in the league no doubt.. and there lies the problem. He's a scoring off the bench player that we're forcing to be a passing pg. IT doesn't make the team better as our starting pg. We need a pg who will help make plays for his teammates and be able to make the overall team better.


Hall of Famer
Btw, it seems like IT is now hurting us on more than defense. Many turnovers,careless plays and jumpers a few seconds into the shot clock.
Btw I agree with that statement Isaiah has shifted into some sort of mode here I can't explain it, but its making us worse on both ends. Now having said that. If he were off the bench for 20 min a night his game is exactly what you want. Prob would be one of the greatest 6th men of all time.
I can honestly say that in the last 7 years. Through all the coaches and crap players not once not 1 single solitary time have I ever hoped for the Kings to lose. This is the only team I watch with any care. If the day comes IF that day ever comes that I am sitting and watching and I am hoping we lose. I will turn off the TV and cancel league pass because what's the point after that moment.

If every single year the top 5 in the draft were future hall of famers or we never made the wrong pick I would still want MY team to win.
This is the first time I have ever rooted for the Kings to lose. After years of being a little kid watching the Kings, even though they always seemed to lose more than they won, I stuck with them. I could've hopped on the lakers bandwagon (yuck) like msot other kids, but I stayed with the Kings. I love the team. I never ONCE thought of hoping for loss except for the benefit of this upcoming draft.
Btw I agree with that statement Isaiah has shifted into some sort of mode here I can't explain it, but its making us worse on both ends. Now having said that. If he were off the bench for 20 min a night his game is exactly what you want. Prob would be one of the greatest 6th men of all time.
Where do you think the Kings should look for a pg?
I don't root for us to lose, I hope we lose against the Trail Blazers. One game. That's it.
I personally would rather us win against teams like the blazers. it shows that if we try, we can hang with the big boys. if you care about draft position, you should rather they lose to crappy teams since that would help our draft position more. also things to remember, kings have mostly dropped back a few spots in the lottery no matter how bad our record was and no matter how strong the draft class is, there is always a chance at drafting a bust. just sit back and enjoy any win we get cuz they are few and far in between now a days.
I agree. I think we need more of a defensive pass first pg. It should have been Kendall Marshall or Erick Bledsoe, but oh well. Isaiah is the best bench PG in the league no doubt.. and there lies the problem. He's a scoring off the bench player that we're forcing to be a passing pg. IT doesn't make the team better as our starting pg. We need a pg who will help make plays for his teammates and be able to make the overall team better.
You really see it when opposing teams clamp down on D. We struggle to pass the ball or do anything offensively. Players leave their feet not knowing where to pass the ball, etc. I love teams who pass the ball 3 or 4 times before finding the open man... it's just fun to watch.

But what about giving up 65 in the first half against the bobcats.. what?! And if you want to do a layup against the kings, go ahead we'll let you.